Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Grand Illusion ( a.k.a. The Social Structure)

Welcome to the grand illusion
Come on in and see what's happening
Pay the price, get your tickets for the show

These words were written by the pop rock group of the 70's, Styx, and it speaks of the social poisons surrounding and embedded in the fabric of American culture. Things have only gotten worse since the 70's and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see it because it sticks out like a sore thumb on the Jolly Green Giant. Many people get upset when I write about this kind of stuff, so if you are easily offended I suggest you stop reading now and pull out a nice novel. If you are a social sympathiser this article may be a bit to honest for you to handle. Let me start out by saying that American society loves to see you fail, and in fact will do all they can to achieve this aim. If you don't believe this you are right where they want a hypnotic robotic state, and that is exactly where 99% of society is. To call it a "sheep mentality" is an insult and disgrace to sheep because they are much stronger and dignified than humans. Society is the biggest hypocrites known to humanity. They try to persuade everyone that they have your best interest at heart, but then as soon as you turn your back you get stabbed, and god forbid don't ever bend over. Take the media for example, they are absolute destruction to the heart and soul. There are no exceptions, the media will rob your very life force as they throw pictures of beautiful people, cars, and jewelery across your t.v. screen, or as they sing beautiful songs on your radio, or when they write their beautiful lies in your newspapers and magazines. All this to lull you into a trance to rape every aspect of anything pure that may reside in you. Styx continues :
Don't be fooled by the radio
the t.v. or the magazines
They show you photographs of how your life should be
but they're just someone else's fantasy
They are the fantasies of sick and demented institutions who have the nerve to call themselves doctors, lawyers, politicians, officials, lawmakers, priests, and a host of others bogus titles. I'd run out of room if I listed all the perverted control freaks who want to run every area of your life. Doctors are cherished and praised in their profession, which consists mainly of slowly torturing and killing people through drugs, radiation, knife surgery and a host of other new and innovative ideas they come up with every day. It is easier to obtain drugs in America than it is to get candy. If you want to purchase drugs through a doctor you will have no problem...they have everything from A-Z. If you want to purchase clean organic raw milk from a farmer you can be put in think I'm joking...I know people who this has happened joke my friends. There are more people on depression medication today than at any other period in history...does that sound like the "progress" America is always bragging about. If the doctors don't mess you up completely, the priests will be right there to deliver the knock-out punch. Doctor's go for the body...priests go for the soul...either way your screwed. All for control and all for money, no wonder everyone is runnin around like a 'loose goose' all confused and depressed.
So if you think your life is complete confusion
because you never win the game
Just remember that its a grand illusion
and deep inside we're all the same
America survives and thrives on intimidation and fear. You would have to see it to actually believe it. But even if you saw it you wouldn't believe it because they conceal it so well. They will tell you this...but they will give you that, if they give you anything at all. The food in America is full of poison and chemicals, the cosmetics one uses is the same, almost all the clothes are made from synthetic and toxic material, same with furniture, toys, garden utensils, home appliances, and 99% of anything manufactured. They are making laws everyday that are designed to cripple, stifle, and totally control their citizens, and the sickest part is that they are using the citizen's own money that they are working their fingers to the bone to earn. This post is mentioning only one-tenth of one percent of what is happening in America. The situation is serious and if things don't change I don't see how a revolution can be avoided. I have never seen a more competitive and sick society as America. Styx concludes :
America spells competition, join us in our blind ambition
get yourself a brand new motor car
Someday soon we'll stop to ponder, what on earth's this spell we're under
We made the grade and still we wonder....who the hell we are.
I know I am wasting my time writing this, because no one will believe that the so-called 'greatest' country in the world could do this. And even if someone does believe it, they will forget about it by their next cup of toxic coffee. I can't for the life of me understand how a nation full of hypnotic life-less robots can watch a perverted demented society dictate to them every single move to make...every word to speak...and every breath to take. Where is our creative powers, what happened to our soul's god-head. What happened to our child-like innocence. It's hard to feel sorry for a nation full of saps.


Anonymous said...

Dear Andy,
I think you're doing the right thing.
I don't think you're wasting your time writing this; there are people out there who know you are right.

So...where is our creative power? or our child-like innocence?
One answer, my friend, is in George Harrison's song "Brainwashed":

"Brainwashed in our childhood
Brainwashed by the school
Brainwashed by our teachers
and brainwashed by all their rules"

"Brainwashed by our leaders
By our Kings and Queens
Brainwashed in the open and brainwashed behind the scenes".....

"Brainwashed by the media
You're brainwashed by the press
Brainwashed by the computer
Brainwashed by the mobile phones
Brainwashed by the satellite
Brainwashed to the bone"......

But, don't lose hope...there are still people, even magazines trying to undo the brainwashing.

Namaste magazine is one of them:

Another good one is Common Ground based in Vancouver, BC, Canada:

I enjoyed your post very much.
Best wishes,

Andy Nicola said...

Thank You Michelle -

So I guess there is at least one person out there who has read what I wrote, so it wasn't a waste of time. George Harrison....yeah, he nailed it down nicely. Bitingly honest lyrics.

I won't lose hope. I have a pretty balanced view in understanding what is happening. I know that for every devil there is an angel. I understand the yin and yang energies behind world events by looking closely at Shao Yung's charts. It would be nice if more people understood the truth from the facade.

Funny you should mention Namaste, last week someone mentioned to me that I should get a hold of them to see if they would be interested in doing something with my book. They spoke very highly of their company.

Take care and my very best to you.
