Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Ancient And Modern Conditions In Chinese Metaphysics

In the past two thousand years or so not much has changed in the field of Chinese metaphysics. Ironically, any changes that were attempted have only diminished, not to mention confused, the value of the divination methods. The rare exceptions have been the works of men such as Yang Hsiung (53 B.C - 18 A.D), Chen Tuan (906-989), Shao Yung (1011-1077), and others. On average perhaps one person every five centuries was able to make significant changes and valuable additions to the main Chinese astrological /divination systems.
The ancient masters were well informed and quite advanced in their understanding of not only the astrological techniques, but also of astronomical information. Their style of approach may have varied somewhat , but there is no denying that the deep and profound understanding of their art was unfathomable.
In ancient times, the term “master” was a well respected and revered title. The relationship between master and disciple was an extremely close and respected bond. Oftentimes, the student was more devoted to his master than to his own biological family or blood relatives. Many devoted pupils spent an enormous amount of time learning with their spiritual teachers. Some on mountains, others in forests or caves, and some in temples and other environments. They ate the same food, breathed the same air, and walked the same ground. In other words, they ingested the same chi. The disciple would eventually learn to merge with his master, and though it could have taken decades, the pupil with the proper patience was well rewarded,
Though I’ve stated that things have not changed much in the past two millenia in terms of divination, the same cannot be said when it comes to the relationship between master and student. On those terms, things have changed quite dramatically and drastically. In these modern times the title of master has a completely different connotation than in the past ages. If an ancient master were to pass by a modern master on his daily walk today, neither one would recognize the other as a master. The chi of the modern master has been tainted to the point of unrecognizable proportions
Business interests and financial opportunity have entered into the equation for today’s high-profiled, high-tech guru. High-scale advertising and outlandish claims are normal everyday occurrences in today’s fast-paced and highly competitive spiritual marketplace. Twenty-first century students do not have to wait two or three decades to receive their complete education. They can do it in less than four weeks by attending a seminar or workshop or by enrolling in an on-line computer class and paying the proper amount of money. I have seen and have personally known many people who were certified as masters in less than four weeks. Today you can earn a “master’s degree” if you will, by simply sitting in front of a computer for a specified amount of time. As you can obviously see, the true master/disciple relationship is merely a faded memory of a bygone era.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful post!
Well written!

Best regards from
P.E. (New York)

Anonymous said...


I totally agree with you.
Because of possible financial gain from having a "Master of Feng Shui" title on one's business card, some teachers will be more than happy to sell the title if someone is willing to pay.
Someone from Australia with such title told me I'm being critical and what's wrong with such title, they have earned the title just like going to university getting a degree. We all know it take twenty some years for anyone to get a Bachelor degree, then a few more years to get a Master degree. How many years these "Masters" have spent on learning Chinese metaphysics ? At the most, it's 10 years under the teacher who gives them such designation. The teacher's credibility in this field is unproven with a big question mark. He is being driven by financial gains and control of the industry without any consideration of responsibility and duty to metaphysics and his own conscience.
Master is not a title to be designated, bought or sold, it's a respect coming from others or peers, a respect for his/her knowledge, experience and accomplishment in the field.
If these people want to be designated "Master" because of ego and fame, they can be given the next designation of PhD which stands for Permanant Head Damaged.

It will take a lot to clean up the mess created by irresponsible teachers in this field.

Best regards,
Peter Leung

Andy Nicola said...

Hello Peter -

Thankc you for sharing your insights and comments. I know you have been involved in Chinese metaphysics at a deep level for a long time, and you know very well what the conditions are today. I agree with you very much when you say that a master title cannot be designated, bought, or sold, but is rather, a respect for one's knowledge, experience, and accomplishments. Very well spoken ! I also agree that it will take a lot to clean up the mess created by the irresponsible teachers. What we need today is NOT more metaphysical teachers...but more metaphysical janitors.

Very Best Wishes
