Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Luo Shu Oracle Update

Earlier today I had a meeting with the gentlemen who will be working on the binding of the Luo Shu Oracle and we have come to an agreement. The book will be of a very high quality. It will not be glued, but will be sewn and stitched and when I saw a sample of it I was very much impressed at how sturdy and well put together it is. This book will easily last a hundred years. Wow ! The dedication and pride these guys put into their work is amazing. Today, I do believe I made two lifetime friends. The book will be ready shortly.

"The Luo Shu Oracle: Penetrating The Mysteries Of 9 Ki Divination" delves into the minor, major, and ultra-advanced methods of Luo Shu astrology. The main portion of the book is the chapter titled "The Luo Shu Oracle Text", and it contains over 800 detailed judgments down to the day level. It is reminiscent of the textual judgments of the I Ching. Each of the 81 Year/Month numbers contain a title and judgment which can be used for divination or astrology to the Month level, and within each of these 81 numbers are 9 more judgments to be used for daily analysis. After reading the judgments you can look at the specific corresponing table that gives a numerical rating for the judgments. This type of analysis is incredibly accurate.

The book also covers relationship analysis and gives detailed numerical ratings between two people, events, situations, etc. It also takes into account not only the Luo Shu (Ki) numbers alone, but also the numbers combined with the branches for more insight and meaning. There are many charts that will keep you busy for quite some time. The book also explores 'Directionology' and gives detailed judgments and numerical ratings as well. I have included all of the 81 Ki charts which is basically the Luo Shu chart segmented into 81 sections rather than the basic 9. I mention the Ki numbers for the bigger periods of time such as the Generation which consists of a 12-year time span before the number changes, which can be used quite effectively for analyzing world events.

It would be impossible to list everything covered in the book, but I can assure you that it is more in-depth than any correspondence course costing hundreds or thousands of dollars. Simply put, if you are looking for the absolute 9 Ki source, this is your book. As I have said before, there is nowhere on earth where you will find the information contained in this book...past or present, in any language. The book will be ready soon and I believe it will make a big impact on the 9 Ki community. I am very excited about this project. I have waited long for these approaching times.


Anonymous said...

Dear Andy,
Can't wait to see the book.
I have no doubt about the quality of the content (not only the paper) :-)
Kind regards,

Andy Nicola said...

Thank You Michelle -

The book is going to the printers tomorrow (Saturday) at noon. The presses will begin rolling Monday morning. Then the binding will begin on Tuesday. Wow! Only a few days away. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am about all this. Thanks for your interest and support.

Warm Wishes


Anonymous said...

Dear Andy,

At last,the day has come.


Andy Nicola said...

Thank you very much Wong -

I have studied many years for the writing of this book and have been working for 4 years in writing it.
