The following is a picture of the book cover to my soon to be published book titled : "The Luo Shu Oracle : Penetrating The Mysteries Of 9 Ki Divination". I have been working on this book for more than 5 years and have invested a tremendous amount of energy into putting it together. It is a comprehensive look into the workings of the Luo Shu for not only 9 Ki, but also 81 Ki, and 729 Ki. It reveals information that has never been presented in any language at any time. It contains over 800 'judgements' to cover every possible Luo Shu scenario using Year, Month, and Day numbers of an individual birth chart or time period. It can be used as an astrological method or a divination method. It is somewhat comparable to the I Ching (Yi Jing) in the way the judgements are constructed. I will talk much more about the book in the very near future and will post the Table Of Contents and a few pages of the text in the comming weeks.
Congratulations Andy!
Can't wait to read/study it :-)
Thank You Michelle. My greatest expectation is to get the book well circulated so that people will be aware of the diversity of the Luo Shu. I don't believe the Luo Shu has even remotely recieved its due recognition and in my opinion has thus far been over-simplified in its presentation to the public.
Very Best Wishes
This is a long awaited publication, many of us have anticipated this and now it will become reality.
I personally am impatient to see if you are objective as a Master or judgemental as a Scaredy Cat. It will be more apparent with your publication that you will lay the morter for an ever evolving science to be plagerized, Get Ready and basque in the flattery.
Always, Madam B
ok looking for the cover
Madam B
Hi Madam -
Thank you for your kind and not so kind words...they are always welcome with open arms. Don't believe for a moment that I haven't thought of all the things you mentioned. First and foremost I am ever so thankful for everything I have gained and lost in my metaphysical journey. It has been one hell of a fine ride. I have been priviliged to meet the truest and most genuine Masters, both Chinese and otherwise as well as the charlatans and the phonies. At this point in time I believe I have seen it all...but everytime I say that, something I have never seen seems to happen, so I should be careful in that regard. Many people have had their work plagerized and outright stolen. It has happened to me more times than I can remember and to this day I surf the net and see my work on someone's website with their name on it and many times copywritten. Ok, so that is the nature of the metaphysical beast. I have learned to accept that. You seem to believe that I get upset anytime someone takes my work and uses it, which is not the case. In fact, I encourage the opposite. I have always been generous with my discoveries and have never had a problem with what people do with it as long as it is reasonably ethical. It is the one's that take my work after the time and energy I invest in it and then take full credit for it that leaves a sour tase in my mouth. Ok...so maybe that is flattering, but it is still unethcal in my eyes. I have no problem with anyone who takes my blog articles for instance, and shares them with other groups,lists or communities if they think it is of benefit...and in fact it has happened many times. As for the book, I do agree with you in saying that it will be plagerized because many of the ideas in it have never been revealed before and the unscrupulous one's will likely take advantage of it. There lies the problem of them not presenting my ideas adequately (which is likely because they haven't worked with these ideas)and if their students aren't able to digest it properly it could easily come back to bite me in the ass. Why? Because if my ideas sell well the charlatans who steal it will take credit...if they don't sell well, the charlatans will let the public know they were my ideas. Some of the marketeers are quite clever and can play both sides of the coin. So, it's not what they steal from me that is necessarily damaging...but what they do with it. Are you following me? Anyways, as always...thank you for your comments and always wishing you the best.
Oh, so mature and evolved.. you are truly a Master, I have watched you grow over the last couple of years and am thrilled with your progress. I am surely a theif of your work since it facinates me so, I also know your sacrifice of the material world. So soon for 20 bucks I will be able to find more to bug you about, please explain, what does this mean? So you will baiting us to pressure you into cultivating your learning center, no, we will never be satisfied, so get up off your butt and and move ahhh as we enter the 9 house.
Dearest Master I admire you so just remember those of us with the boots in your butt love you the most.
Madam B
I actually thought this one was nice and most flattering. And by the way, as you know I would not buy anyone elses book, because they are most full of it. So Put 100 bucks on your book, but open a learning center because we will all want to take classes.
As far as flattery and plagerism it is coming.
xoxo, Madam B
Madam B -
I have deleted my last reply. Yes, your post was most flattering and I do thank you for your words, support, and keeping me on my toes. As for the learning center...would you consider being the on-property hostess :-)))) Now that would be a lot of fun and I know very well you would turn it into one wild and lively joint :-)
Warmest Regards
Hi Andy,
Can't wait to read it,hope it will
reach my place.
Best wishes to you.
Dear Andy
Am looking to purchase your book to understand the more reliable learnings of luo shu. Your contribution will be a outstanding benefit in this field. Congradulation on all your efforts and thank you for your unselfish generosity over the years.
Kwwong & Roy -
Thank you for your support, kind words, and encouragement.
Very Best Wishes
As a matter of fact auspicious red lights and candles will ad to the fire energy of your this provacotive publication. There will be questions, the community is starving for knowledge from reliable sourses and the only way to meet the needs and satisfy the curiosities will be education, wether you finally offer telephone consultations or hands on courses it will be the next step.
Maybe you can start the revolution of teaching centers and certified educators.
Ok I know.
xoxox, Madam B
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