I have pulled out 3 of the 81 segment Luo Shu Time Charts I work with to give a brief demonstration of how they may be used. The first is the round segment and is easier to use for directions or travel analysis , the second is the square version which is a bit easier to use for Time period analysis , and the third is a chart that is complete with numerical values and data. The first two are the master charts so to speak, with the number 41 in the center (41 is the 5 Year/5 Month combination). The last chart is "Time Specific", or in other words is connected to a specific time period. Some people refer to the 81 segment chart as the Kanagi Guruma, but I will refer to it as the 81 Segment Luo Shu. In actuality there are 81 different charts in the system to cover all the possible time periods but it would not be easy to list them all here right now. The 81 Segment Luo Shu works with the Year and Month numbers and this is important to know because there are no sources that I have seen to date that expresses or explains this idea. Everyone today is using the 9 squared Luo Shu to analyze
all time periods from decades and years down to the hour level, and in my opinion this is taking away from the accuracy of the Luo Shu system. I am not saying the 9 squared Luo Shu will not work...but I do believe it is severely limited in both theoretical and practical use. There are 4 rules that can be easily remembered and they are as follows :
1) The 9 segment Luo Shu is used for analyzing the Year.
2) The 81 segment Luo Shu is used for analyzing the Year + Month.
3) The 729 segment Luo Shu is used for analyzing the Year + Month + Day.
4) The 6561 segment Luo Shu is used for the Year + Month + Day + Hour.
Steps 3 and 4 are quite advanced and can be extremely complicated. We will concentrate on the 81 segment in this discussion to keep it somewhat simplified. The following is the basic 81 segment Luo Shu in it's circular form. You can click on the image to enhance its size.
The chart above is simply a Luo Shu chart expanded 9 times in all directions. It can be used quite effectively as a Luo Shu Compass for direction of movement. You can even insert a magnetic compass in the center where the number 41 resides and use it very effectively for practical uses. Remember that when a specific time period is used, the number in the middle would correspond with the year and the month of the time involved. For instance, if you were using the chart for solar September 2007, you would have the chart with the number 29 residing in the center and would therefore make your assessments according to that specific chart.
Next we will look at the same chart in a squared configuration rather than a circular one. It would look like this :
You can see that the squares make it quite a bit more difficult to use as a compass for direction degrees. The good news however, is that for time periods it is much easier to work with than the round chart. With the square chart you can look at any time period you care to analyze and look at where a person's natal /birth numbers are located and make your predictions according to that information. You can also use the square chart for the time a person was born and look at their life destiny for 81 aspects of their life. Each square is equivalent to one specific aspect for a total of 81 different aspects or areas of life. The third image below shows a completed chart with the numerical values for each of the 81 segments or aspects.

With the values filled in, you can now analyze the chart in numerical terms and get an idea of how strong or weak a specific aspect is in the person's life. A very quick example would be where you can look at the person's Southwestern portion of the chart (the 9 squares at the top right of the chart) and this gives information about the person's mother and other 2 Earth attributes because the Southwest is associated with the mother as one of its many attributes. What has happened is that the normal one square SW portion of the chart has been sub-divided into 9 sections. This gives us 9 different aspects we can analyze that is connected with the person's mother...i.e. the number 29 in the master chart reveals communication patterns with the mother, number 56 is associated with how you relate with your mother in financial situations, and so on. You can also look in the SW portion to get an idea of the health of the mother and which organs affect her positively or negatively. The same process can be used to look into patterns with your father by concentrating on the 9 squares in the Northwestern section of the chart. This section is also related to employment, authority, and a host of other attributes. The analyzing process is limited only by how much energy you are willing to invest. There is so much that can be done with these charts and hopefully we will be able to explore the different potentials in future blogs because to list all the possible applications in one post is absolutely impossible.
Ok thats more like it. Know us minions need to figure it out so we can profit fiancially from your teachings
Thank you Master Nicola
Always, Madam B
Madam B...you are too much :-) I am happy to see that you are pleased with my post. See, I don't spend all my time "master-hunting". I have many other posts you're gonna like...you just wait and see :-)
You are one of a 'kwai loh ' kind,
pls inform me when publish a book,
will it reach my place?Nice chart
Long Life Andy,I salute you
Hello Kwwong -
Thank you for your reply. I will let you know about the publishing of the book and will make sure it will reach to where you are.
All my charts are done by hand and it has taken many years to create because I have thousands of them. I like to make the charts by hand rather than a computer because I get a more connected feeling that way. However, a computer designer has transformed my hand-charts to Excell to put in the book. The book will have a lot of charts to work with.
May Good Fortune Always Follow You
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