Friday, September 7, 2007

Dust In The Wind

The following is a recording from an old song titled Dust In The Wind. It is a beautiful song, especially if it is listened to in a very relaxed state. The words need no explanation or interpretation as they speak for themselves quite nicely. It is an elegant song for putting the conscious ego in check. It tells us that we are but a speck of dust in this vast universe. In the line... "All we do, crumbles to the ground, though we refuse to see" , we may get a Taoist feel or perspective about the idea of Wu Wei. Well to be honest, the whole song seems to have a Taoist flavor when I listen to it. When things are not going well for you, it is a perfect time to listen to it. You begin to realize that in the overall scheme nothing is really important, so why take the trouble and effort to stress yourself out. I hope you can listen to it while lying down relaxed and with the lights out. I hope it does for you what it has done for me. I have included the lyrics.

I close my eyes, only for a moment, and the moment's gone
All my dreams, pass before my eyes... a curiosity
Dust in the wind, all they are is dust in the wind

Same old song, just a drop of water in an endless sea
All we do, crumbles to the ground, though we refuse to see
Dust in the wind, All we are is dust in the wind

Now...don't hang on, nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky
It slips away, all your money won't another minute buy
Dust in the wind, All we are is dust in the wind


Anonymous said...

Dust in the Wind is one of my favorites. I had it played during my wedding. I felt it was very meaningful.

We only really have the moment. Each moment we renew.
Each moment we build our life and loves.

When one learns to live fully in the moment, to act and not react, to widen the slip of time between action and reaction, then time stops being of consequence and one slips into eternity. One does not have to move towards the light, one is in the light and surrounded by the light.

The Yin and Yang dance within us and outside us. We have simply forgotten the dance steps in our race towards externals which are the real shadow.

Andy Nicola said...

Hi Anonymous -

What a beautiful reply. I very much enjoyed what you wrote. Not many people would choose 'Dust In The Wind' to be played at their wedding. But then, not too many people, I would imagine would have the deep insight you seem to have. You said it beautifully and brilliantly when you mentioned that " We have simply forgotten the dance steps in our race towards externals which are the real shadow."

I wish I knew who you were because I would do a google search to see if there is anything on the net you have written. I would certainly enjoy reading it. Your wise feedback has been greatly appreciated. I'll be working on my dance steps.

My Very Best Wishes Always


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your kind words. They flow like nectar on my heart.

I have not written much on the net as I am simply on the internal phase of my journey. My path has taken me inwards and I have not begun to share more outwardly.

My spiritual name is Caitanya Rupa which means the form of the living energy (Chi - Chai) as a beautiful young woman. My birth name is Cynthia Rose the greek goddess of the moon and a sweet flower.

My service in life is as a counselor and a priest. My vedic astrology says I am a counselor. My Guru says this as well. My birthstar is the star of Universal harmony - The dance.

I live to remember the dance and to remind others of the dance within.

My greatest joy is to help bring the joy inherent in the hearts of those I meet to the surface until they just have to dance.:-D

Ayurveda, TCM, Western Astrology, Four Pillars, Vedic astrology, Vastu, Feng Shui, I-Ching, Runes.... All a message of love from the Original Father and Mother to remind us that we are all children of light and were manifested to live, love and dance to the underying rhythyms of the Universe.

One of the most important things I learned in Ayurveda is that health is the open flow of Prana/Chi through the channels of the body. All dis-ease is simply what blocks our real original nature.

What is our nature?

Sat-Chit-Ananda - we are eternal - only the body is born and dies, full of knowledge (we will always know what we really need to know, and when we don't know it but are ready to learn, the teacher will be sent) and last but not least we are full of bliss.

Unhappiness comes from being attached to the idea that anything outside ourselves can make us happy. Happiness comes from clearing out our hearts, experiencing our true nature and meeting the original beloved within the heart.

Darkness only comes when we turn our back on the light. Just like shadow only manifests when we turn our back on the Sun. When we are facing the Sun, where is the question of shadow?

Forgive me from running on, but as you have been so kind and open, I can only repay this kindness by giving some of the greatest treasures I have found on my path.

You have my prayers and blessings as you are a sincere seeker. May you enter the Heaven's heart within your own house or body and find your own real nature of life, knowledge and bliss.

A friend always
Caitanya Rupa devi dasi

Andy Nicola said...

Thank you for introducing yourself. I thought I had a good idea of who you were...but now I'm not sure. Either way, it doesn't matter as your comments are appreciated. Thank you for sharing your insights and the very best of luck in your journey.

Keep Dancin'
