Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Response To A Post

A few posts ago I wrote I Wonder. Someone named Stupid Guy responded , and since he went to the trouble of commenting on every single statement I would like to also respond. My comments are in red.

I wonder if the New Age revolution can harm Chinese Metaphysics

-Not harm but reveal what's inside

I doubt it...most New Ager's can't even reveal what is inside THEMSELVES.
I wonder if people will ever stop paying thousands of dollars for a Feng Shui audit

-Yes when chinese disappears same like casinos

I don't think so...if casino's disappear gambling will still be around. You can BET on it.
I wonder if Eva Wong will ever come clean

-As and when you are

I don't think anyone will ever confuse me with Eva Wong. If they ever do I will leave this field.
I wonder if people will ever find the strength and confidence to rely on themselves

-As and when you are not overindependent

I think you made a typo.
I wonder what the Chinese metaphysical field will be like in 20 years

-As like how it evlove from 20 years back

Another typo I think.
I wonder if Lao Tzu (Zi) really existed

-As like any other historic figures

You think so huh.
I wonder why people say Qi Men Dun Jia is more powerful than other I Ching methods

-I wonder why people say method A is more powerful than other B method

Tell them that.
I wonder if people really believe Feng Shui can work the way it is presented today

-I wonder if people really believe God can work the way it is presented today

I agree with you on this one.
I wonder if the so-called masters will ever stop lying

-The real says the fake is lying the fake say the real is lying. So who is who?

Is there such a thing as a Real Fake.
I wonder if there is any difference between a saint and a sinner

-It is difference by a thin thread

How Thin ???
I wonder if the New Age charlatans really believe in karma

-Why should they when they have not seen it yet like god

Too many gods makes karma confusing.
I wonder how many true masters there really are in the world

-A billion dollar finding

You can look but I doubt you'll find anything.
I wonder if Yap Chang Hai will live to be 100 years old

-He is not Ceng Zhi Nam with multiple LIFE GRAVE

Of course he's not Ceng Zhi Nam........he's Yap Cheng Hai.
I wonder if anyone will ever translate Shao Yung's entire work in English

-Anyone can do a direct translate without the true essence

Then why haven't they done it. I only want the translation. An interpretation would ruin it. Commentaries are what ruins the true essense.
I wonder if there is even a single sage alive today

-It is call true phyilosopher if exists

Hmmm, I hope this is another typo. Philosophies are poison to sages. Ask Osho.
I wonder if astrologers/diviners will ever concentrate on studies rather than advertising or promotion

-Yes if they are funded of course

You must be one who believes that you have to pay money to get knowledge.
I wonder if Sylvia Browne believes half the stuff she says

-Like any masters or conmen they are convince of themself

Are you putting masters and con-men in the same category. Now you're talkin'.
I wonder if people will ever recognize the importance of the solstices

-Then all will be enlighten

Depends how deep they go.
I wonder if the public will ever wake up to the antics of Lillian Too and Joseph Yu

-They will when you wake up from your antics

Their antics and mine are diametrically opposed. My antics are to reveal their antics. So I hope that people wake up to my antics...the quicker the better.
I wonder if there will ever be another Osho

-More to come

How do you know. Have you been hangin' out with Sylvia Browne lately.
I wonder if the computer will take over Chinese metaphysics too

-Will take over not only that

I think you're right.
I wonder if Joey Yap's luck will keep continuing

-Have you seen a forever celebrity

Nope...well, except for Elvis maybe.
I wonder if the I Ching will ever gain its due respect and recognition

-Not until everyone gets it's true essence

Then I guess it will NEVER get its due respect
I wonder why people think metaphysicians are spiritual

-I wonder why people think spiritual is methapysics

So you must be saying that spirituality is physics...hmmmm.
I wonder if Alfred Huang is 100 years old yet

-Are you worried as he is not

No, not worried at all.......just curious.
I wonder why Carl Jung got so much credit for understanding the I Ching

-So is other celebrity masters

You mean like Joseph, Lillian, Eva, and the rest of the crew.
I wonder when the masses will wake upI wonder if the masses will ever wake up

-No one will when they do not think they are not awake

So I guess humanity is doomed.......Right ???
I wonder where the eagle flies, when the path it roams eludes my eye

-To see all eagles can do but beyond is not

Hmmm, your comment is very muddled. I hope it's a typo. This statement had more to do with one's thought process than with physical eagles.......but you were not able to read between the lines.
I wonder if anyone will understand this post

-As much as you think you understand.

Or as much as you think you know.


Anonymous said...

Ok you get that one.
xoxo, Madam B

Anonymous said...

Call again, Old mysterious one.

Andy Nicola said...

Ok...I believe I will. But it will have to be in the evening. Old mysterious ones like it in the dark :-)))

Anonymous said...

Hi Andy,
Well....for one thing I want to answer to one of your "wonders"; the one regarding Carl Jung.

You wondered: "why Carl Jung got so much credit for understanding the I Ching".

The Stupid Guy answered you by saying" "So is other celebrity masters".

I personally think that we can not compare Eva Wong, Lillian Too or any other FS masters with Carl Jung.
Also, I don't think that the "SG" (stupid guy) is familiar with Carl Jung, since he compare a psychiatrist with "celebrity Feng Shui masters".
But...anyway, here's what I would answer to your wonder:

"In the world of psychiatry dominated by Freud, who explained more or less everything through likes or dislikes based on sexual attraction, dysfunction or function, Jung came like a fresh breeze with his theories about archtype, collective unconscious, synchronicity, etc., taking the understanding of human nature (psyche) to a different dimension.
Jung was 20 years younger then Freud (and both being influenced by Nietzsche)but they had an extended correspondence and talks during their lives.
Even if both talked about ego and super-ego, was Jung who was fascinated by the Eastern philosophy and studied Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, I Ching, etc.
It was Jung who belived that we, as human beings, need spirituality in our lives."

I'd stop here...otherwise I have to sign SG (the Smart Guy).
Just kidding :-)

Kind wonders,
P & S

PS. Don't get me wrong; I liked your post very much :-)

Andy Nicola said...

Hello P & S -

Thank you for your most informative response. Though I am not a Jung expert by any means, I would have to definitely agree that you cannot put Eva Wong, Lillian Too, and other FS 'masters' in the same category. One would surely be comparing apples to oranges. Jung certainly was fascinated by Eastern thought and would spend many days sitting under a tree intently studying the I Ching. He was in awe of the Book. In my opinion I don't belive he was an expert on the I Ching (though I could be wrong) but one cannot deny his passion and respect for its great wisdom. And of course I agree with you when you say that he thought that humans need more spirituality in their lives. I wish I could give a more informative response to your worthy comments, but I am not equipped. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts and by the way...I do believe you are qualified to sign your comments as Smart Guy :-)
