Monday, May 19, 2008

The Inherent Cycles Of Existence

If I were to say to you , "I predict that in 8 months in the winter time it will almost certainly be cold, and there will likely be snow on the ground in certain areas of the country", would you be impressed by this prediction? Probably not. Anyone can do this by following the weather patterns. What if I told you that I could predict the exact day, hour, and minute that the sun will enter a certain constellation in the year 2028, would that impress you? Again. probably not because any ephemeris can give this information by following the patterns of the planets to the utmost degree. But if I told you that next month I predict you will get a dollar an hour raise, your wife will get a speeding ticket, your son will sprain his left ankle, and your dog will bite the neighbor...and it all happens, you would be not only impressed but also quite shocked.

The truth is that everything has a pattern. The pattern can be represented by numbers, hexagrams, stems/branches, and other symbols. Our first example involved a Weather Pattern, the second example a Planetary Pattern and the third a Human Pattern. It is very important to understand that they all emerge from the same source. Theoretically speaking, one should be no more or less difficult to decipher than the other. Once you begin to align your thought process in this manner, divination becomes more clear and begins to lose its mystic quality. When I first started studying people's charts I looked at people as weather patterns or seasons. I reasoned that if seasons must go through their cycles then humans must follow the same patterns. If the Tao, or god, or whatever you choose to call the universal energy force truly creates all, then what applies to seasons must also apply to humans. So I looked at people's destiny as a cycle of spring, summer, autumn, and winter. If a person was in the autumn cycle of a specific event in their life I used the attributes of the energy of autumn to analyze the situation. What was so beautiful was that every single event in a person's life had its own cyclical imprint no matter how large or small the event was. I eventually understood that even a simple concern as "who will call me next on the telephone" had its own 'seasonal' signature and could be calculated with exact long as you understood the patterns. After some time and study I extended the 4 stage 'seasonal' cycle into larger and larger segments. This made the divination much more detailed and it made it possible to pinpoint otherwise unforeseeable circumstances. It is kind of like pinpointing which day in the winter season is the one that is going to be unseasonably warm or which day in summer would be chilly. To repeat, once you understand certain patterns and principles, it should be no more difficult to predict weather patterns than to predict human events.

This brings us to that ever interesting issue of free will. The seasons have been following certain patterns for eons. It must be this way, the seasons must follow suit. Summer will always follow spring, autumn will always follow summer, and so on. Nothing can alter this natural process. One could say that the seasons have no free will. No amount of influence can change the cycle (pattern). The same can be said of Heaven and Earth. The sun always rises in the east and sets in the west, and the moon also has its specific cycle. That is why we can predict with certainty the rise and fall of solar and lunar phenomena. The world has been spinning for billions of years in a fixed cyclical pattern and has not strayed one tiny iota. I suppose one could also say that Heaven and Earth have no free will. Now if humans come from the same Tao as Heaven, Earth, and Nature, why should it be any different for them? Do we really make our own choices...or are they already inherent in our specific destiny pattern? If we believe the masters and gurus when they tell us we have the choice to change our fate or destiny, we are in essence saying that we are more privileged and more powerful than our own creator. We are saying that we can accomplish more than Heaven and Earth. How absurd.......only a human could think like that !

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