Saturday, January 26, 2008


THEN - The initial contact with your master was through meditation and stillness.

NOW - The initial contact with your master is by calling him on his cell-phone from the number you saw on his web site.

THEN - You traveled 50-100 miles by foot to go knock on the master's hut somewhere in the mountains.

NOW - You hop on a plane and when it lands you take a cab to his office.

THEN - You prayed that the master would accept you so that you wouldn't have to spend months enduring harsh weather conditions while you camped underneath a tree.

NOW - You pray that your credit card hasn't reached its limit because you know the master will accept you if it hasn't.

THEN - After your lessons you cooked rice and boiled tea for your master.

NOW - After your lessons you both go to Starbucks for a cup of cappuccino.

THEN - You washed your master's dirty underwear with pride and dignity.

NOW -You buy your master silk underwear from Wal-Mart for a buck ninety nine.

THEN - You always told your master the truth.

NOW - You always tell your master what he wants to hear.

THEN - Your master always told you the truth.

NOW - Your master always tells you what you want to hear.

THEN - You studied for days without sleep in the master's hut listening to every word he spoke.

NOW - You sit in front of a computer for an hour or two reading every word he wrote on his correspondence course.


THEN - You spent days copying charts by hand.

NOW - You spend minutes printing charts off the computer.


THEN - In terms of finances your education cost you $0.00

NOW - In terms of finances your education costs whatever your master can squeeze out of you.



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