These boots are made for walkin,
and that's what they're gonna do
one of these days these boots
are gonna walk all over you.
It used to be that you could get a decent pair of heavy duty shoes to walk around in the metaphysical fields without getting too much bull-shit on your feet. Then competition began getting more fierce with the marketeers and we had to make an adjustment and get rubber covers to put over our heavy duty shoes. Then with the on-surge of Feng Shui we had to adjust for the times and upgrade to between-the-ankle-to-the-knee boots because the shit was starting to get more thick. Then the computer allowed 'masters' to build websites to sell their wares and our previous boots became useless and we needed new and improved ones.......ones that would reach our knees. This made it more difficult to walk and to advance but we had to do what we had to do to avoid the dung. Now with on-line seminars, correspondence courses, research centers, academies, institutes, and all the other million and one metaphysical creations the shit has gotten completely out of hand. We are being saturated with it in abundance. It's almost like people enjoy getting the stuff on them. I am thinking of marketing some good boots to help protect the public from this very real and serious problem. My line of boots will meet the need for all types of victims. There is the Karma Boots for the novice. Then I have the KYMA Boots (kiss your masters ass) for the more seriously inflicted victim. Perhaps I could interest you in the Research Center Boots if you're one of the poor unfortunate souls who got sucked into the Research Center fraud scheme. There are the Secret Boots, the New Age Boots, and a host of others that will cater to the various forms of doo-doo you have been affected by. Do stop by and check it out and don't forget to inquire about the Chinese Metaphysics Full Body Suit that is guaranteed to withstand any type of foreign debris that you have been exposed to.
Bravo! Well said!
Hi Andy,
You must got pissed very badly this time!
Do you offer boots at a discount too? It might be of interest for some!
I know, you are right....sad, but true!
Anyway, I love your sense of humor :-)
Hi Michelle -
I read a couple posts the past week that prompted me to write the last two articles on this blog. I'm not pissed...just a little sad. The Boots lyrics at the beginning of the article was a warning to the 'masters' that if they don't watch their step, then sooner or later their students will eventually walk all over them just as the students are being walked on now. Thanks for the discounted boots idea...I like it, and it should produce more sales :-) You don't have to worry though cause your aligned with a decent master/teacher.
Hi Andy,
Yes, I know I'm aligned with a decent & generous master, but I was thinking that some people may need more then one pair of boots!!!
That's where the discount might come in handy :-)))
Anyway, guess....Nancy Sinatra never thought her song will take such turn!
Hi andy,
And the factory has to work overtime to produce more boots cos
it's sold out in no time due to demand.
Hi Kwwong -
Ha ha ha ! Very well put my friend.......Very well put !
Take Care and Very Best Wishes
The true student has to want to wear the boots, simply put to many want to trample through the SHIT, its easier and of course they quote many New Agers in order cover the responsibility for their own education.
Other People do not have the POWER, your heart and your God is your guide. So don't buy the boots just take respopnsibility for what you step in.
Blowing Kisses, Madam B
Hello Madam -
If people listen to your advice my boot sales will decline and to be honest with you I hope they DO listen to you and force me to go bankrupt. What you say is absolutely true. Thanks a bunch for your Madamly Wisdom.
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