Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Get Yourself A Good Pair Of Boots

These boots are made for walkin,
and that's what they're gonna do
one of these days these boots
are gonna walk all over you.

It used to be that you could get a decent pair of heavy duty shoes to walk around in the metaphysical fields without getting too much bull-shit on your feet. Then competition began getting more fierce with the marketeers and we had to make an adjustment and get rubber covers to put over our heavy duty shoes. Then with the on-surge of Feng Shui we had to adjust for the times and upgrade to between-the-ankle-to-the-knee boots because the shit was starting to get more thick. Then the computer allowed 'masters' to build websites to sell their wares and our previous boots became useless and we needed new and improved ones.......ones that would reach our knees. This made it more difficult to walk and to advance but we had to do what we had to do to avoid the dung. Now with on-line seminars, correspondence courses, research centers, academies, institutes, and all the other million and one metaphysical creations the shit has gotten completely out of hand. We are being saturated with it in abundance. It's almost like people enjoy getting the stuff on them. I am thinking of marketing some good boots to help protect the public from this very real and serious problem. My line of boots will meet the need for all types of victims. There is the Karma Boots for the novice. Then I have the KYMA Boots (kiss your masters ass) for the more seriously inflicted victim. Perhaps I could interest you in the Research Center Boots if you're one of the poor unfortunate souls who got sucked into the Research Center fraud scheme. There are the Secret Boots, the New Age Boots, and a host of others that will cater to the various forms of doo-doo you have been affected by. Do stop by and check it out and don't forget to inquire about the Chinese Metaphysics Full Body Suit that is guaranteed to withstand any type of foreign debris that you have been exposed to.

Saturday, January 26, 2008


THEN - The initial contact with your master was through meditation and stillness.

NOW - The initial contact with your master is by calling him on his cell-phone from the number you saw on his web site.

THEN - You traveled 50-100 miles by foot to go knock on the master's hut somewhere in the mountains.

NOW - You hop on a plane and when it lands you take a cab to his office.

THEN - You prayed that the master would accept you so that you wouldn't have to spend months enduring harsh weather conditions while you camped underneath a tree.

NOW - You pray that your credit card hasn't reached its limit because you know the master will accept you if it hasn't.

THEN - After your lessons you cooked rice and boiled tea for your master.

NOW - After your lessons you both go to Starbucks for a cup of cappuccino.

THEN - You washed your master's dirty underwear with pride and dignity.

NOW -You buy your master silk underwear from Wal-Mart for a buck ninety nine.

THEN - You always told your master the truth.

NOW - You always tell your master what he wants to hear.

THEN - Your master always told you the truth.

NOW - Your master always tells you what you want to hear.

THEN - You studied for days without sleep in the master's hut listening to every word he spoke.

NOW - You sit in front of a computer for an hour or two reading every word he wrote on his correspondence course.


THEN - You spent days copying charts by hand.

NOW - You spend minutes printing charts off the computer.


THEN - In terms of finances your education cost you $0.00

NOW - In terms of finances your education costs whatever your master can squeeze out of you.



Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Life Is Short --- Learn To Fly

Life is much too short to worry about proper etiquette, appearances, manners, rules or customs set up for us by media, schools, religions, politics, and other social controlling institutions. When things get tough there is no need to visit doctors, go to counseling, or to take drugs. All you have to do is Learn To Fly. We don't have wings.......but we have imagination. A person's imagination is the greatest wings a human can experience. In terms of metaphysics I have learned to dis-associate myself from the constraints of modern socially accepted structures and learned to rely on my own imagination. If you are going to worry about what others think of you, or spend your time trying in vain to please them, you will be forever carrying "boulders on your shoulders". Only when you can laugh and tell them you won't be sitting at their table for dinner will your wings be able to spread. Life is short *** Learn to fly *** You'll love the journey.

Read the lyrics to this beautiful song written by the recording rebel artist Tom Petty.

Well I started out down a dirty road
Started out all alone
And the sun went down as I crossed the hill
The town lit up the world got still

Im learning to fly but I aint got wings
Comin down is the hardest thing
Well the good old days may not return
And the rocks might melt, and the sea may burn

Im learning to fly but I aint got wings
Comin down is the hardest thing
Well some say life will beat you down
Break your heart, steal your crown

So I started out for God knows where
But I guess Ill know when I get there
Im learning to fly around the clouds
But what goes up must come down

Im learning to fly but I aint got wings
Comin down is the hardest thing
Im learning to fly around the clouds
But what goes up must come down

Im learning to fly
Im learning to fly

Monday, January 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Shao Yung

Born : January 21, 1012 ... 7-9 PM
Died : July 27, 1077 ... 4-6 AM
I would like to extend a very special Happy Birthday wish to
Master Shao Yung of the Northern Sung era.
Today Master Shao turns 996 years old by western reckoning.
Master Shao has been the only one who I have considered to
be my master. I have learned more from him than from
any other person in any realm.
I truly owe this superior man the greatest gratitude.
He is forever in my heart and soul.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Eric And Richard Tell It Like It Is

My friend in Malaysia Mr. Eric Teoh keeps crankin' out some great articles on his blog that I find interesting, informative, insightful, humorous, controversial, fascinating, and extremely enjoyable.......just the kind of stuff I really find worthwhile . Please do keep in mind that I have no promotional interests with Eric or anyone else, and my endorsement of him is not financial in any way. I just respect the guy for Tellin' It Like It Is. The following two articles were listed on Eric's blog recently and are produced here with his permission. Eric's mentioning of Richard Marx's lyrics inspired me to share one of Mr. Marx's other song lyrics from his hit single "Don't Mean Nothin". Wow ! It is as if the song was perfectly written for many Feng Shui practitioners.

Eric Says :

WARNING: If you're NOT easily offended, then please read on...

The Annual Forecast -How real and accurate is it?Is it a way for some masters to make a quick buck?Most predictions are not true, are they?And we’ll all forget them when the year end comes.What’s in store for next year again?So it’s an endless cycle.What’s the use of Ba Zi and Zi Wei then?If the Annual Forecast is such a big hit!

Ba Zhai (Eight Mansions) -Some people say it’s kindergarten.But then funny they still use it.Some say can combine with other methods.And then they confuse themselves and others.Some say it’s for landform only.Then how come the East and West group thingy?Some even say it’s fake according to a classic.Ordered by an emperor to confuse the peasants.

San Yuan (Xuan Kong) -Some people say it’s powerful.Do they have the proven track records?Some say it’s only for the house interior.Then how come the landform lessons?Some say it’s only one method.If that one method works, it works!Some even say it may be fake too.But there’s no mention in any classics.

Lineage -From grandfather to father.Then from father to son and so on.We all come about because of sex.Luckily the Feng Shui lineage involves no sex.Why all the same surname and DNA?If it’s not the blood and lineage?Having no lineage in Feng Shui.Did your grandmaster wear a condom?

‘Sex’ Method Feng Shui -There’s a group lower than any chicken shit I know.Faking it for their shrinking nuts’ sake.If they had balls to prove whatever that they claim.Then let’s meet and get over the bloody shame!Richard Marx sang, “No one touches, touch no one.”Touch me and I’ll crush your little nuts!Here’s a song for the chicken shits out there.“When I find you, I’ll end you!”

Divination -Also known as Gua plucking.As if everything can be plucked.Even if the ‘fruit’ may not be ripe?If divination is so utterly divine.How come the ‘pluckers’ are not the richest already?Divination and Feng Shui are two different things.You must be joking me off, ya little ghost!If it really works, then why DO Feng Shui?

Qi Flow -Qi flows from higher to lower ground.And so they say like they know.Just observe the rainwater when it rains.That’s how and where the Qi flows.If that’s so true O’ ignorant one.Then all who lives in the valley would be rich.And those living on ‘The Peak’ in Hong Kong must be poor?I still can’t afford to live there as yet!

Water Dragon -Qi gathers at the boundary of water.Put water in the right places.Then money money come come.Use water to activate the Qi.Like at number 8 where the wealth is.Choose an auspicious date and wala!If water really is an element of wealth,Then the fishermen must be very rich indeed!

What Does It Take To Learn Chinese Metaphysics

You must be humble upon your new stumble!
You must be able to endure criticism for your voyeurism!
You must prepare to be confused before you put things to use!
You must be able to take it easy before you go crazy!
You must take time off which may not be a total loss!
You must have a lot of guts in order not to go nuts!
You must persevere in order to come out clear!
You may not read Chinese but just need to know the gist!
You may be paying through your nose to learn the most!
You may also be paying in vain that causes you much pain!
You may not learn from a master everything for he would have nothing!
You may be reading this with skepticism despite my mannerism!

Richard Says :

Don't Mean Nothin' Richard Marx

This race is for rats,
It can turn you upside down
Ain't no one you can count on
in this sleazy little town ...

don't you open your heart

Cause it don't mean nothin'
The words that they say
Don't mean nothin'
These games that people play
No, it don't mean nothin'
No victim, no crime
It don't mean nothin'
Till you sign it on that dotted line

Take a good look around and you'll find
People tryin' to mess with your mind

And you want to scream,
but you gotta keep it all inside.
When you're trying to make a living,
There ain't no such thing as pride,

It don't mean nothing at all.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Ti And Yung Charts For Plum Blossom (Mei Hua) Part 5 Of 5


HEXAGRAM ............TI RATING ...............YUNG RATING

49.1 .......................................+2 ...........................................+2
49.2 .........................................0 ...........................................+5
49.3 .......................................-2 ...........................................+9
49.4 .........................................0 ............................................-5
49.5 .......................................+9 ............................................-2
49.6 .......................................+5 .............................................0

50.1 ........................................+5 ..........................................-16
50.2 ........................................+2 ..........................................-11
50.3 ..........................................0 ...........................................-7
50.4 ........................................-11 .........................................+2
50.5 ........................................-16 .........................................+5
50.6 ........................................-9 ...........................................+9

51.1 .........................................+6 ..........................................+6
51.2 .........................................+1 ..........................................+1
51.3 .........................................+3 ..........................................+3
51.4 .........................................+6 ..........................................+6
51.5 .........................................+1 ..........................................+1
51.6 .........................................+3 ..........................................+3

52.1 .........................................+1 ..........................................+1
52.2 .........................................-8 ...........................................-8
52.3 .........................................-1 ...........................................-1
52.4 ........................................+1 ...........................................+1
52.5 ........................................-8 ............................................-8
52.6 ........................................-1 ............................................-1

53.1 ..........................................0 ............................................+5
53.2 .......................................+5 .............................................-4
53.3 .......................................+2 .............................................+3
53.4 ........................................-3 .............................................-1
53.5 .......................................+2 .............................................+4
53.6 ........................................-1 .............................................+8

54.1 .......................................+2 ..............................................-8
54.2 .........................................0 ..............................................-5
54.3 .......................................-7 ...............................................-3
54.4 ......................................-2 ................................................-1
54.5 ......................................-4 ................................................-6
54.6 .....................................-11 ...............................................-4

55.1 .......................................-4 ..............................................+6
55.2 .......................................-8 ..............................................+9
55.3 .......................................-1 ..............................................+13
55.4 ......................................+5 ...............................................-2
55.5 ......................................+7 ...............................................-7
55.6 ......................................+10 ............................................-5

56.1 .......................................+3 .............................................+4
56.2 ...................................... +5 .............................................-5
56.3 .......................................-2 .............................................+2
56.4 ......................................+1 ..............................................-1
56.5 ......................................-4 ..............................................+2
56.6 ......................................-6 ..............................................+6

57.1 ......................................-10 ............................................-10
57.2 ......................................-5 ..............................................-5
57.3 ......................................-1 ..............................................-1
57.4 ......................................-10 ...........................................-10
57.5 .......................................-5 .............................................-5
57.6 .......................................-1 .............................................-1

58.1 .......................................-6 .............................................-6
58.2 .......................................-3 .............................................-3
58.3 .......................................-1 .............................................-1
58.4 .......................................-6 .............................................-6
58.5 .......................................-3 .............................................-3
58.6 .......................................-1 .............................................-1

59.1 .......................................+4 .............................................-5
59.2 .......................................+8 .............................................-14
59.3 .......................................+11 ...........................................-12
59.4 .......................................-6 ..............................................+5
59.5 .......................................-15 ............................................+10
59.6 .......................................-8 ..............................................+14

60.1 ........................................-1 ..............................................+2
60.2 ........................................-6 .............................................+5
60.3 .......................................+1 ..............................................+7
60.4 .......................................+6 ..............................................+2
60.5 .......................................+8 ..............................................-7
60.6 .......................................+3 ..............................................-5

61.1 ........................................+4 ..............................................+3
61.2 ........................................+2 ..............................................+6
61.3 .........................................-5 ..............................................+8
61.4 ........................................+8 ...............................................-5
61.5 ........................................+10 ..............................................0
61.6 ........................................+3 ................................................+4

62.1 .........................................-4 ................................................-6
62.2 ........................................+1 ................................................-15
62.3 ........................................-1 .................................................-8
62.4 ........................................-8 .................................................-1
62.5 ........................................-13 ...............................................-6
62.6 ........................................-6 .................................................-4

63.1 .........................................-1 .................................................-8
63.2 ........................................+8 .................................................-5
63.3 ........................................+1 .................................................-1
63.4 ........................................-7 .................................................+9
63.5 ........................................-9 ...................................................0
63.6 ........................................-2 .................................................+2

64.1 .........................................-7 .................................................+9
64.2 ........................................-9 ....................................................0
64.3 ........................................-2 ..................................................+2
64.4 ........................................-1 ...................................................-8
64.5 .......................................+8 ...................................................-5
64.6 .......................................+1 ...................................................-1


This marks the end of the 5 part series on the Ti/Yung value charts. With a few adjustments, these charts can also be used for other divination methods such as Wen Wang Ba Gua, 9 Ki, Ba Zi, etc. I am certain that these charts can be used to enhance your studies and understanding of how the effects of Ti and Yung can be incorporated into Chinese metaphysics. There are many other techniques that can be added to your analysis and we will eventually discuss them at various points in the future.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Ti And Yung Charts For Plum Blossom (Mei Hua) Part 4 Of 5



HEXAGRAM ............TI RATING ...............YUNG RATING

33.1...................................... +3 ........................................-5
33.2 .....................................+8 ........................................-14
33.3 .....................................+12 ......................................-7
33.4 .....................................-14 ......................................+8
33.5 ......................................-5 .......................................+3
33.6 .....................................-12 ..................................... +10

34.1 ..................................... -11 ......................................+5
34.2 .....................................-16 .......................................0
34.3 .....................................-18 .......................................+7
34.4 .....................................+9 .......................................-13
34.5 .....................................+7 .......................................-18
34.6 ......................................0 ........................................-16

35.1 ......................................-4 ........................................+4
35.2 .....................................-13 .......................................+9
35.3 .....................................-11 .......................................+11
35.4 ....................................+11 .......................................-11
35.5 ....................................+6 ........................................-8
35.6 ...................................+4 ........................................-4

36.1 ....................................+4 .......................................-4
36.2 ...................................-1 .........................................-1
36.3 ...................................-3 ........................................+3
36.4 ..................................+3 ........................................-3
36.5 ...................................-6 .......................................+2
36.6 ..................................-4 .......................................+4

37.1 ....................................0 ..........................................0
37.2 ..................................-5 ..........................................+3
37.3 ..................................-5 ..........................................+3
37.4 .................................+3 ..........................................-5
37.5 ...................................0 ...........................................0
37.6 .................................-2 ..........................................+4

38.1 ..................................-7 ..........................................-14
38.2 ................................+2 ..........................................-11
38.3 ................................-2 ............................................-9
38.4 ................................-7 ............................................-5
38.5 ................................-9 ............................................-2
38.6 ...............................-11 ...........................................+2

39.1 .................................-1 ............................................+8
39.2 ................................-4 .............................................-1
39.3 ................................-6 ............................................+6
39.4 ...............................+1 ............................................+3
39.5 ...............................+6 .............................................-6
39.6 ...............................-1 ..............................................-4

40.1 ...............................+2 .............................................+5
40.2 ..............................+7 ..............................................-4
40.3 ..............................+9 .............................................-2
40.4 ..............................-4 ..............................................+7
40.5 ..............................+5 ..............................................+2
40.6 ..............................+1 ..............................................+4

41.1 .................................-5 .............................................+8
41.2 ................................-9 .............................................+11
41.3 ................................-7 ..............................................+13
41.4 ...............................+5 ...............................................+1
41.5 ................................+9 ...............................................-8
41.6 ...............................+14 ..............................................-1

42.1 ................................+2 ................................................+4
42.2 ................................-2 ..................................................-1
42.3 .................................0 ..................................................+1
42.4 ................................-2 ..................................................-1
42.5 ...............................+2 ..................................................+4
42.6 ...............................+7 ..................................................+8

43.1 ................................+8 ..................................................+8
43.2 ...............................+3 ...................................................+4
43.3 ...............................+11 ..................................................+10
43.4 ...............................+4 ...................................................+7
43.5 ...............................+6 ...................................................+10
43.6 ...............................+9 ...................................................+12

44.1 ................................+7 ...................................................-16
44.2 ...............................+9 ...................................................-11
44.3 ...............................+2 ...................................................-7
44.4 ..............................-10 ..................................................+6
44.5 ..............................-15 ...................................................+1
44.6 ..............................-17 ...................................................+8

45.1 ...............................+9 ....................................................-9
45.2 ..............................+6 ....................................................-4
45.3 ..............................+13 ..................................................-2
45.4 ...............................-4 ..................................................+6
45.5 ...............................-9 ..................................................+9
45.6 ..............................-7 ...................................................+11

46.1 ...............................-14 ...................................................-7
46.2 ...............................-9 ....................................................-2
46.3 ...............................-11 ..................................................+2
46.4 .................................0 ..................................................-16
46.5 ...............................+2 ..................................................-11
46.6 ...............................-2 ....................................................-9

47.1 .................................-6 ..................................................+9
47.2 ................................-4 ....................................................0
47.3 ................................-9 ..................................................+2
47.4 ...............................+6 ..................................................-10
47.5 ...............................+1 ....................................................-7
47.6 ...............................+8 ...................................................-5

48.1 ................................+8 ...................................................-7
48.2 ................................-1 ...................................................-2
48.3 ...............................+6 ..................................................+2
48.4 ................................-8 ..................................................+9
48.5 ................................-4 ....................................................0
48.6 ................................-1 ..................................................+2

To be continued ...............

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Ti And Yung Charts For Plum Blossom (Mei Hua) Part 3 Of 5

HEXAGRAM .......... TI RATING .......... YUNG RATING
17.1 ................................... +9 ..................................-11
7.2 ................................... +7 ................................-6
17.3 ................................... 0 ................................-4
17.4 ................................... +2 ................................. +3
17.5 ................................... 0 .................................... +6
17.6 .................................. -7 .................................... +8

18.1 ................................... -14 ................................... -5
18.2 ................................... -9 ...................................... 0
18.3 ................................... -10 ................................... +4
18.4 .................................... -4 .................................... -6
18.5 ................................... +1 ................................... -15
18.6 ................................... -2 ................................... -8

19.1 ................................... -4 ...................................+7
19.2 ................................... -9 .................................. +10
19.3 .................................... -7 ...................................+12
19.4 .....................................+10 ................................-9
19.5 .....................................+7 ...................................-4
19.6 ...................................+14 ...................................-2

20.1 ...................................+2 ....................................-4
20.2 ..................................+4 ....................................+1
20.3 .................................. 0 ....................................+3
20.4 .................................. -2 ....................................-5
20.5 ..................................+3 .................................... 0
20.6 ..................................+1 ...................................+4

21.1 ...................................-4 ..................................+2
21.2 ...................................-2 ...................................-3
21.3 ...................................+1 ..................................-1
21.4 .................................... 0 ..................................-3
21.5 ...................................-4 ....................................0
21.6 ................................. +3 ...................................+4

22.1 ..................................+1 ...................................-3
22.2 ..................................-4 ................................... 0
22.3 ..................................-6 ...................................+4
22.4 .................................+1 ...................................+4
22.5 .................................+3 ..................................-12
22.6 .................................-4 ...................................+2

23.1 ................................ +4 ...................................+3
23.2 .................................+8 ...................................+8
23.3 ................................+11 .................................+10
23.4 ................................+11 .................................+14
23.5 ................................+2 ...................................+5
23.6 ................................+9 ...................................+12

24.1 ................................+2 ...................................+4
24.2 ................................-3 ...................................-1
24.3 ...............................+4 ...................................+1
24.4 ...............................+5 ...................................-4
24.5 ...............................+7 ...................................+1
24.6 ...............................+2 ...................................+3

25.1 ................................+9 ...................................-2
25.2 ...............................+7 ....................................-7
25.3 ................................ 0 ....................................-5
25.4 ................................ 0 ................................... +5
25.5 .................................-5 .................................. 0
25.6 .................................-7 ...................................+7

26.1 ................................-14 ..................................+7
26.2 ................................-5 ...................................+2
26.3 ................................-12 .................................+9
26.4 ................................+2 ..................................-5
26.5 ................................+7 ..................................-14
26.6 ................................+11 ................................-7

27.1 .................................+4 ..................................+2
27.2 .................................-1 ...................................-3
27.3 ................................+6 ...................................-1
27.4 ................................-1 ....................................+6
27.5 ...............................+4 ....................................-3
27.6 ...............................+2 ...................................+4

28.1 ...............................+8 ...................................-17
28.2 ..............................+10 .................................-12
28.3 ..............................+3 ...................................-8
28.4 ..............................-8 ...................................+3
28.5 ............................. -10 .................................+6
28.6 ............................. -17 .................................+8

29.1 ..............................-1 ...................................-1
29.2 .............................-10 .................................-10
29.3 .............................-8 ...................................-8
29.4 .............................-1 ...................................-1
29.5 ............................-10 .................................-10
29.6 ............................-8 ...................................-8

30.1 ........................... +3 ..................................+3
30.2 ............................+6 .................................+6
30.3 ...........................+10 ...............................+10
30.4 ...........................+3 .................................+3
30.5 ...........................+6 .................................+6
30.6 .......................... +10 ...............................+10

31.1 ............................+2 .................................-4
31.2 ...........................+6 .................................-13
31.3 ...........................+11 ...............................-6
31.4 ...........................-10 ...............................+5
31.5 ...........................-14 ...............................+8
31.6 ...........................-12 ...............................+10

32.1 ...........................-11 ...............................-10
32.2 .......................... -7 .................................-5
32.3 ...........................-2 ................................-1
32.4 ...........................-7 ............................... -5
32.5 ...........................-11 ..............................-10
32.6 .......................... -9 ................................-8

To Be Continued ...............

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Ti And Yung Charts For Plum Blossom (Mei Hua) Part 2 Of 5


HEXAGRAM .......... TI RATING .......... YUNG RATING

1.1 .......................................... +7 ......................................... +7
1.2 .......................................... +2 ........................................ +2
1.3 .......................................... +9 ........................................ +9
1.4 .......................................... +7 ........................................ +7
1.5 .......................................... +2 ........................................ +2
1.6 .......................................... +9 ........................................ +9

2.1 .......................................... +2 ........................................ +2
2.2 .......................................... +7 ........................................ +7
2.3 .......................................... +9 ........................................ +9
2.4 .......................................... +2 ........................................ +2
2.5 .......................................... +7 ........................................ +7
2.6 .......................................... +9 ........................................+9

3.1 .......................................... -16 ....................................... +5
3.2 .......................................... -7 ........................................ 0
3.3 .......................................... -11 ....................................... +2
3.4 .......................................... 0 ........................................ -7
3.5 .......................................... +5 ........................................ -16
3.6 .......................................... +7 ........................................ -14

4.1 ........................................... -5 ......................................... -6
4.2 .......................................... 0 ......................................... -16
4.3 .......................................... -7 ......................................... -14
4.4 .......................................... -11 ....................................... +2
4.5 .......................................... -14 ...................................... -7
4.6 .......................................... -16 ...................................... 0

5.1 ........................................... +8 ....................................... -3
5.2 ........................................... +11 ..................................... -8
5.3 ........................................... +15 ..................................... - 15
5.4 ........................................... -1 ...................................... +15
5.5 ........................................... +1 ...................................... +6
5.6 ........................................... -3 ....................................... +8

6.1 ........................................... -3 ........................................ +8
6.2 .......................................... -1 ........................................ -1
6.3 .......................................... -5 ........................................ +16
6.4 .......................................... +1 ....................................... -5
6.5 .......................................... +4 ....................................... -10
6.6 .......................................... +8 ....................................... -3

7.1 .......................................... -4 .........................................-6
7.2 ......................................... +1 .........................................-15
7.3 ......................................... -6 .......................................... -13
7.4 ......................................... -14 ........................................ -5
7.5 ......................................... -9 .......................................... 0
7.6 ......................................... -16 ........................................ +2

8.1 ......................................... -16 ........................................ +2
8.2 ........................................ -11 ......................................... +7
8.3 ........................................ -18 ......................................... +9
8.4 ........................................ +3 .......................................... -8
8.5 ........................................ +8 .......................................... -17
8.6 ........................................ +1 .......................................... -15

9.1 ......................................... -10 ......................................... +1
9.2 ........................................ -15 .......................................... -4
9.3 ........................................ -17 .......................................... +3
9.4 ........................................ +2 .......................................... -16
9.5 ........................................ +4 .......................................... -11
9.6 ........................................ -3 .......................................... -7

10.1 ....................................... -3 ........................................... -5
10.2 ...................................... -1 ............................................ -2
10.3 ...................................... +2 ........................................... 0
10.4 ...................................... -4 ............................................ +1
10.5 ...................................... -8 ............................................ -4
10.6 ...................................... +1 ........................................... +3

11.1 ........................................-14 .......................................... +8
11.2 ....................................... -5 ........................................... +3
11.3 ....................................... -12 ......................................... +10
11.4 ....................................... +6 ......................................... -13
11.5 ....................................... +4 ......................................... -8
11.6 ....................................... +11 ........................................ -6

12.1 ....................................... +9 .........................................-8
12.2 ...................................... +7 .......................................... -3
12.3 ...................................... +14 ........................................ -1
12.4 ...................................... -9 ........................................ +11
12.5 ...................................... 0 ........................................ +6
12.6 ...................................... -7 ........................................ +13

13.1 ....................................... +3 ........................................ +4
13.2 ....................................... +1 ........................................ +7
13.3 ....................................... -2 ........................................ +11
13.4 ....................................... +10 ...................................... 0
13.5 ....................................... +8 ....................................... -5
13.6 ....................................... +5 ....................................... +2

14.1 ........................................ +5 ........................................ +2
14.2 ....................................... +3 ........................................ -3
14.3 ....................................... 0 ........................................ +4
14.4 ....................................... +5 ........................................ -1
14.5 ....................................... +3 ........................................ +2
14.6 ....................................... 0 ........................................ +6

15.1 ........................................ +4 ........................................ +2
15.2 ........................................ -5 ......................................... -7
15.3 ........................................ +2 ........................................ 0
15.4 ........................................ -8 ......................................... -4
15.5 ........................................ -4 ......................................... +1
15.6 ........................................ -1 ......................................... +3

16.1 ........................................ +6 ........................................ -4
16.2 ....................................... +8 ........................................ +1
16.3 ....................................... +3 ......................................... +3
16.4 ....................................... +2 ........................................ +5
16.5 ....................................... -3 ......................................... 0
16.6 ....................................... +4 ......................................... +2

To Be Continued ........

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Ti And Yung Charts For Plum Blossom (Mei Hua) Part 1 Of 5

I first wrote this article for Ray Langley's Yahoo Chinese Astrology list in September of 2006.

In Plum Blossom I Ching, the main focus is on the interaction of the trigrams and the 5 elements rather than the text in the Book Of Changes. The text, however, can be used as a sort of "second opinion"to possibly clarify a situation, but greater influence must be given to the symbols and numbers. In my opinion, the PB is not a system of words but rather a system of feeling. It is designed for intuition rather than intellect. It may sound strange to say, but the more 'hazy' and 'lazy' your mind becomes, the more success you are likely to have. I will not go into the rules for setting up trigrams and hexagrams. There are sources that explain these techniques. One is a book by Da Liu (now out of print), but I find that Lorraine Wilcox's translation of a Chinese written book on the PB is the best I have yet seen. A quick definition of Ti and Yung is to say that Ti represents the 'self' or the subject of the divination and the Yung represents all the other forces involved. If you inquired about a specific person and his employment situation, then the person would be Ti and everything involving his situation would be classified as Yung. You then look at how the Ti and Yung trigrams interact with all the other trigrams in the divination in terms of the 5 elements and then the picture starts to unfold. You then also look at how the elements of the time periods from Years down to Hours or Minutes interact with the Ti and Yung.This gives even more detail. In other words, the picture becomes more clear. There are so many aspects to this beautiful system that I will not be able to mention here because it would be very time consuming. Anyway's in terms of Ti and Yung you can get a strong indication of how powerful or weak they truly are. Most, if not all of the authors who have written of the PB will merely mention that the Ti or Yung is either 'weak' / 'strong' or 'favorable' / 'unfavorable'. To me, this is too vague, so I created a system that rates the strength of the Ti and Yung. To say that a Ti trigram is weak or strong is one thing, but when you say that Ti is operating at an efficiency of -7, +3, or +12 is quite another. The numbers reveal just how strong or weak the Ti or Yung is. It shows you the potency that it is operating at. It is quite detailed and can certainly enhance your interpretations. A very quick example would be the Chien trigram. It represents the father as one of it's many attributes. If you ask a question concerning the father of a family, let's say, and the Chien trigram is operating at strength of -8, then you know that the father's influence is very weak in the situation, especially if the Yung trigram is antagonistic to his Ti and is operating at say +12. In this case, the father is in serious trouble. If the Chien trigram's strength is +10 on the other hand then you can see that the father will have great influence. If the Chien trigram is enormously high, say +15 or higher, then he may become tyrannical or overly dominant. So you see, with the numbers, you can get a much greater feel for the disposition of the father. In PB you will have a hexagram that describes the situation. One line will be the moving line. The trigram without the moving line will be the Ti and all the other trigrams will be considered the Yung. So in hex. 3, the top trigram is Water and the bottom is Thunder......Kan over Chen. If the 5th line is the moving line, then the Ti is Chen. If the 2nd is the moving line then the Ti becomes Kan. Part 2 will give the strength of every hexagram and moving line according to the Ti And Yung of that hexagram. Hexagram 1.1 would signify hex.1 line 1 changing, hexagram 3.4 would indicate hex.3 line 4 changing, 63.5 would be hex. 63 line 5 changing, and so on. Keep in mind that the Ti and Yung for every hexagram has been evaluated with every other trigram including the Nuclear hex. and the Future hex. The influence of the Time elements on the Ti and Yung have not been taken into consideration because it would be practically impossible to list them all.

To be continued ...

Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Two-Stage Process Of Initiation And Completion

In the last post we discussed the theory of Ti and Yung. In brief, we understood that every entity or event in the phenomenal world is composed of two principles that were referred by the ancient Chinese as Ti and Yung. Chu Hsi, the neo-Confucian philosopher equated Ti with Substance and Yung with Function. In other words, Ti was basically static and Yung was continuously moving. When the two interacted, there were varying results according to other principles that were incorporated in the analyzing of the situation or event. The more learned one was of these principles the more sense one could make of the situation under consideration. Shao Yung, another neo-Confucian philosopher before Chu Hsi's time who had strong ties to Taoist ideas and methodologies used different terms in identifying Ti and Yung. The terms he used were Form for Ti and Activity for Yung (although these terms could be open to interpretation). Essentially, Chu Hsi's description fit quite well and agreed with Shao Yung's. In addition to Shao Yung's implementation of Ti and Yung, he also strongly utilized another idea in his thought and work. This idea consisted of a 2-stage process of Initiation and Completion.

Initiation And Completion

Everything has a beginning and an ending, and again as in Ti and Yung, from very large entities to very small ones, such as the evolution of ants to the evolution of galaxies. Modern day science says that for every action there is a reaction. Shao Yung didn't quite see it this way and his reasoning stated that for every beginning there must be an ending. In terms of the yearly cycle, the moment of the winter solstice to the moment of the summer solstice is the initiation process of the year, or the beginning. Then from the summer solstice to the winter solstice is the completion process, or the ending of the year in the 2-stage cycle. Then the dissipated energy of the particular year transforms into another year and another 2-stage cycle begins. The same can be said about the months, days, hours, minutes, or any other period of time segmentation. With a little contemplation you will see that the same 2-stage yearly cycle principle can be applied to any event or situation. A quick example would be a job interview for instance. If you were analyzing a job interview situation by divination such as Plum Blossom I Ching or astrologically through other means, you would see that the job interview would have its own 2-stage cycle of Initiation and Completion just as the yearly cycles we were just talking about. Shao Yung also extended his two-fold process into a 4-stage cycle of Birth - Growth - Maturity - Death (storing away). Then he went on to show that the 4-stage cycle could be extended to form a 16-stage cycle beginning with Birth-Birth...Birth-Growth...Birth-Maturity all the way down to Death-Maturity...Death-Death. The cycle did not have to stop at the 16-stage level and could be extended indefinitely if someone chose to get very detailed in their calculations. The principles in all the cycles were the same and could be used to analyze the Macrocosm just as effectively as the Microcosm.

There is so much more to be said about these ideas but to mention them all would require a book in itself. I hope that some of these ideas will inspire you to delve deeper into the subject. If you combine the Ti/Yung theories with the Initiation/Completion process you will begin to understand the true workings of nature. Your perceptions of reality will become much more acute I can promise you. There is more to Plum Blossom (Mei Hua), Wen Wang Ba Gua, or other methods than just looking at the lines, trigrams, hexagrams, and the interaction of the 5 elements/phases. If you don't understand Ti/Yung , Initiation/Completion , and other concepts, you will be limiting your understanding and potential for Chinese metaphysics. The fact that no master or teacher that I'm aware of are including these ideas in their classes doesn't help the situation at all. There isn't even much written about it in books, journals, essays, or other media forms. It is certain that very few individuals are aware of the deeper meanings of these subjects, so we have to find our own way so-to-speak. Fortunately there is a part of us that can access this information without the need for books, teachers, computers etc. The 'part of us' I am speaking of is our intuition. Our intuition can uncover, discover, or recover any information the ancients had access to. The beautiful part is that we don't need outside help or influence.