Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Purpose Of Life

Humans are perplexed with one simple question, " What is the purpose of life". Then of course, they personalize it and ask. " What is my purpose in life". It is a question that has been thought upon for generations before us and for generations to come. Many people miss the essence and beauty of their existence because they spend all their time engaged in this one particular concern. A purpose is a draining phenomena and causes much unnecessary stress on the human body, mind, psyche, and spirit. Most spend their entire lives trying to solve the "purpose of life" mystery that when the time comes for earthly-to-spirit transformation (physical death) they leave behind not only an empty shell for a body but also an empty unfulfilled spirit consisting of a lifetime of unanswered and unsolved puzzles. The very act of searching for a purpose will assure that you will never find it.

The human species is much too assertive in its relationship with nature and the energetic flux of existence. The biggest problem humanity faces is that they have not learned to surrender to reality. If you wish to witness the biggest mishaps then you can take a look at the human race. When seen from the viewpoint of the whole, where human energy and all else in existence is One, then all is in perfect balance because as we have all learned, every Yang has its Yin counterpart and it all forms a cohesive and inseparable unity where humans are but one tiny aspect. But when humans isolate themselves and break away from The Whole, The One, The Tao (which they excel at quite well incidentally), we are looking at the great human failure.

So what is the real purpose of life ? Some say it is to help others.......then spend their time concentrating only on themselves. Some say it is to experience and express love.......a love they have no idea or clue about. Some say it is to help all species extend their lives to their fullest potential.......and then kill everything in sight from plants and animals to their own physical and spiritual selves. Let us look at various other purposes. The purpose of a family is tradition and the carrying forward of familial blood-lines. The purpose of religion is to submit to a person who tries to convince us that he/she is close to the Creator. The purpose of business is money. The purpose of politics is domination and control. And the list goes on. The institution in question must have a purpose or the organization will break down. Without a purpose there can be no establishment or structure. Without a definite purpose the organization cannot exist. However.......without a single human invented purpose, life will continue to flourish and flow in its abundance. In truth, the less purpose there is the more smoothly the universal energy flows. Purpose cannot in any way alter the universal waxing and waning. The Sun will always shine and the Moon will always glow whether there is purpose or not. The Stars will forever rotate in the heavens and this cosmic dance cannot be affected by a silly purpose that humanity is hung up on. Again, the truth is that a forced purpose can only diminish this beauty. Would it not be lovely to experience as effortlessly and beautifully as the cosmos. Well, it can never happen as long as we remain attached to a purpose.

So what is the true purpose of life ? ? ?

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Last Words Of A Wise Man

These words were spoken to me several years ago by one of the wisest men I have ever known.

My path to destruction
has been paved by me, my friend, and my foe ;
And who's done the most damage
I guess only Heaven would know.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Gang's All Here

This past week I was surfing the net and noticed that there are others out there who are not intimidated by the 'social structure' of today's general, and Chinese metaphysics in particular. I had a smile on my face when I noticed that there are others who are Tellin It Like It Is. I was very pleased to see that many have blogs and are writing some decent material. In my opinion , these current times today could very well be the turning point for Chinese metaphysics. 15 years ago we had little choice but to accept only what was being published in books. There was basically no interaction with the so-called experts and our 'education' was being force-fed to us. With the Internet , group lists ,and blogs, the pattern is slowly changing. It is getting more difficult for the charlatans to operate although you can be certain they'll keep trying. In the past, the claims made by the marketeers didn't seem quite as dramatic as today. They didn't overdo it because there was not as much competition. Today everyone and their brother, sister, and cousin is becoming a 'master' and to compete for business they must exaggerate their services to the point of complete embarrassment. If anyone questions a 'master' today or disagrees with their teachings the master charlatan quickly defends him/herself by saying that the person making the comments are jealous. Joseph Yu , for example, has accused many people of being jealous of him and his success. He has accused me many times of trying to put him down to make myself look better, and he says it is because I am jealous. If I had something to sell, one may begin to wonder if Old Joe might have a point. But the truth is that I have never had anything to sell, so I had no reason to build myself up. I have never published a book, I haven't taught, haven't given workshops or seminars, never offered correspondence courses, no e-books, no videos.......nothing. The times I have spoken or given seminars I have done it for no financial payments. Even when the sponsors gave me checks after the talks I simply gave it back to them and told them I didn't want paid. Old Joe is wrong again. The jealousy accusations that he makes are even more comical. First of all Joseph is about 20 years older than me, his health is not that great (although after he reads this he'll make sure to write that his health is fine ), he looks like he's got one foot in the grave, his knowledge is weak, he has contradicted himself over and over, he is a hypocrite, he has been lying forever, he has stolen and cheated and the list goes on and on. And he has the nerve to say I am jealous of him.......oh yeah Joe...sure thing.......I'm sure everyone wants to be like you ! Anyways, Joe and others had better take a good hard look at themselves because we don't have to put up with the bullshit we've been putting up with for so many years. Today there are other options and although the public is still in a hypnotic trance, they will slowly come out of it eventually.

If the master charlatans are one side of the metaphysical coin then the other side consists of the intellectual rebels. The folks who 'ain't afraid of the big bad wolves. They're out there if you look and I salute their achievements. They are the Robin Hoods...the David's opposing the Goliath's. One of them is Alex Chiu. I don't know Alex but I spoke with him a few times several years ago. I didn't listen to him close enough when he told me of the poison Joseph Yu would spread over the community. Alex was absolutely right. Alex tangled with Joseph repeatedly and with a few others. Alex stood his ground and was not easily intimidated and spoke his mind at any cost. Some hated him...others loved him, but he wasn't afraid to speak his mind. He had a pretty good following but I lost track of him over the years.

Harmen Mesker is a brilliant reviewer and doesn't cut corners and speaks his mind quite well . He is well versed in the I Ching and has written some extensive material. He doesn't seem to 'sugar coat' things and will get to the meat of a situation. When Lillian Too wrote her Plum Blossom book I couldn't believe that any one would publish...let alone buy, her book. I was amazed at the inaccuracies in her book and I wanted to write a review to let people be aware of it. As it turned out, I didn't need to because Harmen did just that. He wrote a great review and if you read closely you'll see hints at how Joseph Yu and Lillian Too make some of the same mistakes with Plum Blossom Divination. Herman has done some other reviews and has alerted the public in helping them avoid some possible pitfalls. Herman also has a blog but I'm not sure of the address. You can probably find it without too much difficulty. Click on this link to see Herman's review of Lillian Too's book:

Allan Lian has a blog and he talks a lot about stocks. Oh no ! That's gambling isn't it ? Many say that mixing speculation and divination is a sin. Well that hasn't stopped Allan from writing about it. When someone told me Allan had a blog that talked about the I Ching and stocks I was interested. I know nothing of stocks but it can be closely related to gambling so I took a look and found his site interesting. The following is Allen's blog address :

A gentleman named Eric Teoh has a blog that I visit often. I can see that Eric will say what needs to be said and he does it with charisma. He has a great sense of humor and he has posted some poetry that I have really enjoyed. He seems to have a vivid imagination and you never know what he is going to write next, so the element of surprise is always associated with Eric's blog. I heard about Eric's blog through a friend and my friend says to me, " this guy Eric is a lot like you...he ain't afraid to write about anything". So of course I had to check it out...and I'm glad I did. I hope Eric keeps his blog for awhile because I believe he can provide a decent service to his readers simply by his writing. I wish you the best Eric...Keep Rockin Brother ! Here is Eric's blog site :

There are many other blogs out there that are of value. I have read a brilliant 2 part post on lineage, I have read another on the false oral secrets that are being peddled as advertisement gimmicks, one person wrote about 'tag team' consolidation ploys, and a lot of other topics involving the devaluing of Chinese metaphysics. There's a lot of stuff out there. Just look and you'll find.

I wish to thank all the serious devotees of Chinese metaphysics who have had the courage to tell the public the true story of what is really happening . My heart goes out to all of them.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Temporarily Removing The Comments Option

I have temporarily removed the 'Comments' option for the time being. This will not remove the previous comments, but only temporarily restrict future comments until it is reactivated. Nothing else has changed and all is as before.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Everyone's A Hero

"Well we all have a face
that we hide away forever
and we take them out and show ourselves
when everyone has gone ;
Some are satin, some are steel,
some are silk and some are leather
They're the faces of a stranger
but we love to try them on."

Recording artist Billy Joel

In metaphysical studies you will rarely find the truth. It is basically as simple as that. People are so hungry for anything even slightly resembling metaphysics that they are willing to overlook all the lies, fraudulent claims, phony masters, incompetent teachers, etc. There is absolutely no question that the public has become a herd of sheep. The innovative master-marketeers have become quite proficient in promoting themselves. Some use mass-education ideas and have created Research Centers, Academies, and Institutes in the names of their businesses. They are turning metaphysics into a business field. To gather students for their business they then begin to create myths about themselves and start spreading these stories as far as possible. With the information media being what it is today, it isn't too difficult to reach all corners of the globe in no time at all. Master marketeers have become successes in short periods of time.......some almost overnight it seems.

One guy on the west coast of America claims to be one of only 5 people on this planet that has access to the secrets of a Chinese method of divination called Iron Plate. The Iron Plate is surrounded in mystery and secrecy and the old tale says that only 5 people on the planet at one time can have access to its deep and profound workings. This west coast guy claims that he is one of the "special chosen ones". Of the 6 + billion people on this planet he and 4 others are the only ones who have been given the privilege to the Iron Plate and another person will inherit this knowledge only after one of the five dies. Sounds flowery and dramatic doesn't it? Well, if you happen to read some books this guy has written you will soon see how absurd his Iron Plate claims are.

Another guy's claim to fame is his self admitted stalking and Peeping Tom status. His story says that his next door neighbor was a feng shui master and he used to stalk the old master's house and hide outside his window peeping tom style and watch as the master taught his students. Eventually he learned all the techniques of the master and of course gets invited inside the house and the old master has the Peeping Tom stand in front of all his students as he rants and raves about what a great student the peeper is. Years later the Peeping Tom promotes himself as a master and he opens a "research center", writes a few books, steals a few ideas from people, lies about anything that benefits him and goes on to become a fairly well-known metaphysical charlatan. Some people have mentioned his unethical behavior and he defends himself by saying that others are jealous of his success. The loyal herd he has accumulated keeps him well insulated and they speak highly of him regardless of his unethical behavior. In other words he uses them as a shield and in return they are elevated to the position of masters. Its a trade off basically. They both profit from each other.

Then you have the Dynamic Duo who have mastered not one.......not two.......but three systems of Chinese divination that they claim to be the most powerful techniques in the annals of all humanity. Just one of those methods learned properly would take a lifetime to learn, yet they have mastered all three. And they will even be generous enough to share their secrets with you.......for a hefty price I might add. By the time you read this they may have even mastered a few more.

There's a group out there promoting some 80 or 90 year old guy who they say is a grand master and they make him out to be the greatest thing since sliced bread. They say he is the only master in the last 600 years to have the secret oral teachings of Yang Gong Feng Shui. The old guy will teach you and even make you part of the family by baptising you as an indoor student. Price tag : US $6,000 + anything else he can get out of you.

Unfortunately there are many , many more stories to tell but you probably get the idea. The masters will keep lying and the public will keep believing. W.C. Fields once said, "There's a sucker born every minute". If he knew about the metaphysical field he would have to make an adjustment and say that there is one born every 15 seconds.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Talking With A Sage

After going for my daily walk in the park yesterday I laid down for a little nap and began to have a dream. In my dream a Chinese master with a long beard and monk's robe walked toward me with a stern look on his face and pulled out a gun and said "I would like to have a little chat with you". Ironically, I was not a bit nervous and was quite relieved that I would be able to express my views to this bonafied master. We were in the woods and we both sat down next to a tree. The sun was starting to set and there was a small pond nearby. It was a peaceful and serene setting. I remember our conversation almost word for word and it went like this :

Master : In your heart do you believe you are doing justice to the world by exposing those who in your heart you believe to be exploiting others ?

Andy : Even though you have a gun in your hand, I will answer you honestly and say I don't know if I am or not.

M : I will lay the gun aside and you can reach for it at anytime you wish.
(he laid the gun down between us)

A : Your gun doesn't intimidate me, and neither do you, But I do respect certain things about you. I'm not sure why though.

M : Why do you suppose I have a gun with me ?

A : Maybe for the same reason that every master carries a gun, to try to convince the world that they are the boss. Like a priest who carries a cross as his gun to convince the world that they are special and close to God. I think it is your security blanket.

M : Priests are fools, and so are masters, and so am I and so are you. Do you understand that we live in a foolish world. What is your security it the exposing of false masters and gods ?

A : There are not enough blankets to compensate for every false god and master in the world and beyond. I cannot say if you are correct or not.

M : Do you know who I am ?

A : No.

M : I am every god and every master...every saint and every devil...every friend and every enemy that has ever existed. I am every success and every failure that you and everyone else has ever had or experienced. I am all of these and I am sitting here talking with you and you are not wise enough to sense this.

(At this point I am confused and speechless and don't know what to say. We sit together quietly for what seems to be a while)

A : Did you come here to stop me from expressing my views to others about the bogus metaphysicians in this world ?

M : I came here to ask you if you are going to stop expressing these views. What is your answer ?

(He gets up and picks up his gun and I get up to answer. I am about to answer him honestly and I am all but certain that he is going to shoot me if he doesn't like my answer)

A : Ok heaven, here I come. No.......I am not going to stop expressing my views about bogus metaphysicians.......regardless if you shoot me or not.

(At this point he has the biggest and brightest smile on his face and the gun transforms into a red rose and he throws the rose toward the sky and as the rose reaches a high point the petals start spreading out in all directions and comes cascading down over the earth like a beautiful rainfall. The master hugs me tightly and as we walk away together I realize that he is a Sage and not a master after all).