Today everything is much overrated,
the reason is because we're mass educated
When educators educate they over-emphasize or over-exaggerate the knowledge they have bestowed. If they don't overrate what they teach then the student would feel cheated. The educators are covering their butts and this is poison. This is not true knowledge, it is watered down learning at best and programming at worst. You'll see it in any university, institution, or socially created structure. Societies over-promote a college education and try to make you believe that without a university degree you are worthless...and the sad part is that people believe it. Parents work their whole lives and sacrifice themselves to put their kids through college and believe they are making their kids lives better. Well, maybe they are financially but they don't look any deeper than that. As long as their kids are financially successful the parents believe they have done a noble job in providing their kids with an education. How sad!
If finances are the measure of success in a person attending college, you would have to conclude that the most successful ones are the inner city kids whose only skills in life is to bounce a basketball and suck on a crack pipe. They end up signing basketball contracts for 50-75 million dollars but can barely spell their names. These are the sports heroes we all glorify. They all go to college but they learn absolutely nothing and they end up making more money in one month in the NBA (National Basketball Association) than the whole college faculty combined makes in 10years. And of course it has already been proven that the most sucsessful and richest people in the world have never gone to college. Yet we are always being told that we have to go to college to become something. 9 out of 10 people I know, end up depressed and in debt after finishing their college 'education'. The teachers keep teaching...the sports heroes keep doing their drugs...and the rest of the student body keeps filling the vaults of the universities with hard earned money going in debt and their parents claiming bankrupcy. No one is getting any smarter. What a silly game to play.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Text Judgements For "The Luo Su Oracle"
The following are two pages from chapter 7 of my book "The Luo Shu Oracle". It shows the judgements for two of the eighty-one Luo Shu numbers. These judgements are to be interpreted after some necessary calculations are performed (which are explained step-by-step in the first part of the book). The first number is the 81-Ki number that some refer to as the Kanagi Guruma number, the two numbers beneath it are the two 9 Ki numbers that are the components of the first number. The Month, Day, and Hour range beneath the component numbers are the time of year the particular numbers correspond with...the hourly range below that is the time of day associated with the judgement, and the degrees range is the Spacial aspect. The title (representing the year & month) then follows along with its judgement and finally the three numbers representing the year, month, and day along with a judgement for them. You can see that this method is used for divination to the day level and can be very detailed. In other words, once you know the year, month, and day numbers you can perform a divination for any 24 hour period throughout time...past or present. After factoring in your own personal birth/natal numbers it becomes even more detailed and accurate. After each of the 81 text charts, a value rating chart is given with many numbered values to show a precise numerical relationship involved in the divination. Unfortunately I was not able to format the value chart on this post so it is not included. If the editors do not cut any portion of the book it will contain over 400 pages. The fonts in the book are different than shown here and are much more elegant.
# 1
1- Water
1- Water
Covert Procedures
And Clandestine
In the abyss lies a corpse. Deep Contemplation.
As liquid as a drunken spirit. The robbers are coming.
1-1-1 Deep concealment. The treasure
cannot be located by the seekers.
What is hidden is safe. Abandon fame.
The king is dark, the servant is blind.
1-1-2 Stealing from the mother brings shame.
The property is flooded.
1-1-3 Sharp agitation. The feast in the East
concludes in eruption. The man is
energetic but walking is difficult because he
is impatient.
1-1-4 Concealment even through one’s travels.
One can look, it cannot be seen but can
be inwardly felt. Lusting emotional penetration.
1-1-5 Flooding. The dam breaks and the water
once again finds its course. One thief
may be contained but two cannot
be controlled.
1-1-6 In troubled times even the ones
in power can be bribed. A swindler
has his wit, a robber has his gun.
A crime is a crime, even if committed
by the king.
1-1-7 In the rain and mist the jewelry lies
hidden. The young girl searches
for joy but the night is dark and
1-1-8 Honor among thieves. Even if a prison
break is possible, it would be best to wait
and serve your time. When deep in
contemplation, all can be acknowledged.
1-1-9 The secret is revealed, but only a tiny
glimpse. Soon the rain comes and
again the sun is hidden behind the clouds.
Friction between the North and South;
the South loses favor.
3:45 PM- 4:03 PM
236.25-240.75 DEGREES
The beggar and the hitchhiker meet on a country road.
The sky is cloudy. She milks the cow and brings the
proceeds to the slum-lord.
2-1-1 The field is wet. The elderly woman
loses her way. Tears are abundant.
In the house the man is waiting in her
bed. More tears flow.
2-1-2 Compliance leads to sacrifice.
At every turn the woman runs
the show. The male has no
2-1-3 The dark man runs through the
field. He gets caught. Nothing
can be gained. An electric blanket
on the waterbed makes for a difficult
2-1-4 While resting in his home, the lonely sailor
passes time by waiting for the mail.
Travel plans are disrupted. The check bounces.
2-1-5 Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. In
the end he is wounded in the belly.
2-1-6 A complaint is made but the authorities
set him free. The doctor’s efforts are in vain.
Better to endure the pain. A silver scarf
will do the trick.
2-1-7 If you must choose between the mother
and the daughter, take the younger of
the two. A cranky old lady is much less
fun than a concubine.
2-1-8 If you disrupt the mothers life, the
inheritance will not come. But
if you are the youngest of her sons
then luck is on your side.
2-1-9 The leader has been captured. One
must find the way through dependency.
The independent course is lost.
# 1
1- Water
1- Water
December 18 10:30 AM-
December 22 12:00 MID
December 22 12:00 MID
11:51 PM- 12:09 AM
357.75 - 2.25 DEGREES
357.75 - 2.25 DEGREES
And Clandestine
In the abyss lies a corpse. Deep Contemplation.
As liquid as a drunken spirit. The robbers are coming.
1-1-1 Deep concealment. The treasure
cannot be located by the seekers.
What is hidden is safe. Abandon fame.
The king is dark, the servant is blind.
1-1-2 Stealing from the mother brings shame.
The property is flooded.
1-1-3 Sharp agitation. The feast in the East
concludes in eruption. The man is
energetic but walking is difficult because he
is impatient.
1-1-4 Concealment even through one’s travels.
One can look, it cannot be seen but can
be inwardly felt. Lusting emotional penetration.
1-1-5 Flooding. The dam breaks and the water
once again finds its course. One thief
may be contained but two cannot
be controlled.
1-1-6 In troubled times even the ones
in power can be bribed. A swindler
has his wit, a robber has his gun.
A crime is a crime, even if committed
by the king.
1-1-7 In the rain and mist the jewelry lies
hidden. The young girl searches
for joy but the night is dark and
1-1-8 Honor among thieves. Even if a prison
break is possible, it would be best to wait
and serve your time. When deep in
contemplation, all can be acknowledged.
1-1-9 The secret is revealed, but only a tiny
glimpse. Soon the rain comes and
again the sun is hidden behind the clouds.
Friction between the North and South;
the South loses favor.
August 17, 6:00 AM-
August 21, 7:30 PM
3:45 PM- 4:03 PM
236.25-240.75 DEGREES
The beggar and the hitchhiker meet on a country road.
The sky is cloudy. She milks the cow and brings the
proceeds to the slum-lord.
2-1-1 The field is wet. The elderly woman
loses her way. Tears are abundant.
In the house the man is waiting in her
bed. More tears flow.
2-1-2 Compliance leads to sacrifice.
At every turn the woman runs
the show. The male has no
2-1-3 The dark man runs through the
field. He gets caught. Nothing
can be gained. An electric blanket
on the waterbed makes for a difficult
2-1-4 While resting in his home, the lonely sailor
passes time by waiting for the mail.
Travel plans are disrupted. The check bounces.
2-1-5 Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. In
the end he is wounded in the belly.
2-1-6 A complaint is made but the authorities
set him free. The doctor’s efforts are in vain.
Better to endure the pain. A silver scarf
will do the trick.
2-1-7 If you must choose between the mother
and the daughter, take the younger of
the two. A cranky old lady is much less
fun than a concubine.
2-1-8 If you disrupt the mothers life, the
inheritance will not come. But
if you are the youngest of her sons
then luck is on your side.
2-1-9 The leader has been captured. One
must find the way through dependency.
The independent course is lost.
Friday, February 22, 2008
My Teachers

This is a photo of the latest teachers the Tao has brought into my life. And like the Tao they are nameless at this point. The white pinto may eventually acquire the name "Mystic Dreamer" but it is not certain at this time. He may possibly be entered in races. I have interacted with them for about 6 months and they continue teaching me everyday and the education they are providing me with is worth more than any college degree from any university. My third teacher's name is Diodoro (The Golden God) but he's camera shy so he decided to skip out on the photo shoot. Still another teacher I have is called Pensador (The Thinker) but he's hiding in the stall probably munching on some oats and hay. They have taught me my greatest lessons including patience, compassion, and humbleness among a host of other virtues. I am nowhere near as advanced as them...but then, that's why they are my teachers. Anyways, I better run or I'll be late for class.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
With Some Help From My Friends
I never realized how much effort and energy it took to write a book until I began writing 'The Luo Shu Oracle'. Years ago I believed one could write a book on their own by simply sitting down and jotting down what they wanted to publish and sending it off to the publishers and then sit back waiting for the money to roll in. How absurd ! The last few years have given me a glimpes into the realities of writing and I can certainly say, "it ain't all that it's cracked up to be". There is no way one can do it on their own...absolutely impossible. I am fortunate to be surrounded by some of the best people that heaven could bestow on a person. I often-times wonder how I got to be so lucky to have the friends I have. I hope and pray that I can return to them what I have been given. When writing the book I learned more about the value of friendship and I give continual thanks for all the support I have received. To list the people I owe a debt of gratitude in helping my dream manifest into reality would make this quite a long post but I do mention them in the beginning of my book.
One person I would like to thank at this time is Nina Russo who designed the cover of my book. Nina is an extremely gifted and talented artist whose eye for detail is extraordinary. Her art and photography work in my opinion is breath-taking. I have seen some of her many creations and her talent never fails to amaze me. Originally I had a completely different book cover in mind and when Nina took the time to explore the different options my ideas were pale in comparison and we of course went with her designs. She was relentless and untiring in her efforts to make sure to get just the right look for the cover. Her eye for intricate detail was incredible, to the point of patiently waiting for the exact sun shadow angle to shine through the window before snapping pictures for the cover. You can notice this on the book cover picture. She snapped pictures from every angle and from different heights and positions. For me it was a great pleasure to see a true artist at work. She asked nothing in return for her unselfish and untiring efforts. How can you possibly repay someone for that. Thank you Nina...for everything.
I am listing Nina's website for anyone who may want to take a look at some of her beautiful work. I would not hesitate in recommending her for any type of art, photograpy, or advertising concerns you may have. Take a peek at her site by clicking on the following link :
One person I would like to thank at this time is Nina Russo who designed the cover of my book. Nina is an extremely gifted and talented artist whose eye for detail is extraordinary. Her art and photography work in my opinion is breath-taking. I have seen some of her many creations and her talent never fails to amaze me. Originally I had a completely different book cover in mind and when Nina took the time to explore the different options my ideas were pale in comparison and we of course went with her designs. She was relentless and untiring in her efforts to make sure to get just the right look for the cover. Her eye for intricate detail was incredible, to the point of patiently waiting for the exact sun shadow angle to shine through the window before snapping pictures for the cover. You can notice this on the book cover picture. She snapped pictures from every angle and from different heights and positions. For me it was a great pleasure to see a true artist at work. She asked nothing in return for her unselfish and untiring efforts. How can you possibly repay someone for that. Thank you Nina...for everything.
I am listing Nina's website for anyone who may want to take a look at some of her beautiful work. I would not hesitate in recommending her for any type of art, photograpy, or advertising concerns you may have. Take a peek at her site by clicking on the following link :
Friday, February 15, 2008
The Luo Shu Oracle .......Table Of Contents
The following is the Table Of Contents in the book I have just written and am in the process of publishing.
The Luo Shu Oracle
' Penetrating the Mysteries of 9 Ki Divination '
Table of Contents
The Luo Shu Oracle
' Penetrating the Mysteries of 9 Ki Divination '
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. The Basics
3. Charts and Calendars
4. The 9 Ki Numbers and Principles
5. The 81 Ki Numbers and Principles
6. Personal Relationships and Direction of Movement
7. The Luo Shu Oracle Text
8. Advanced Uses
9. Conclusion
Further Information
Friday, February 8, 2008
The Luo Shu Oracle : Penetrating The Mysteries Of 9 Ki Divination

The following is a picture of the book cover to my soon to be published book titled : "The Luo Shu Oracle : Penetrating The Mysteries Of 9 Ki Divination". I have been working on this book for more than 5 years and have invested a tremendous amount of energy into putting it together. It is a comprehensive look into the workings of the Luo Shu for not only 9 Ki, but also 81 Ki, and 729 Ki. It reveals information that has never been presented in any language at any time. It contains over 800 'judgements' to cover every possible Luo Shu scenario using Year, Month, and Day numbers of an individual birth chart or time period. It can be used as an astrological method or a divination method. It is somewhat comparable to the I Ching (Yi Jing) in the way the judgements are constructed. I will talk much more about the book in the very near future and will post the Table Of Contents and a few pages of the text in the comming weeks.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Payin' The Piper
If you try to grab for too much
the one you'll hurt is thee
so it's best to understand
that nothin' comes for free
If things always went my way
Ahh...wouldn't it be nice
but I'm learnin' everyday
that every service has a price.
The lyrics above are the partial words to a long poem I wrote to myself when I was a teenager. Those words ring just as true for me today as they did all those years ago. Back then I understood these words from the perspective of I percieve them from a metaphysical point of view where the yin yang polarities are of utmost importance. I also had another saying that was part of that poem that I never forgot..."If you're gonna pay the Piper, be prepared to pay him twice". I have paid the Piper many times in my life and up until my mid twenties I never got anything in return. I felt like I was getting screwed. Kinda like most people feel when they deal with religions and governments. It's all give and no take...all Yin and no Yang. Of course we're doing all the giving and they're doing all the taking. This type of imbalance will no doubt cause all sorts of inner and outer stresses that we would do much better without. We don't always pay the Piper through finances, but through many other clever manupulations that the Pipers of the world have created. We always seem to be on the short end of it. Well, I finally learned how to beat the greedy Pipers at their own game before I reached the age of thirty, but to be honest I have to admit that I still fall victim to their schemes every now and then. So I can say that in the past I was able to get an occasional glimpes of what it was like to break free from the mighty grip of the 'reaper' whereas today I get an occasional glimpes of what it is like to NOT break free. This is a big, big difference. Most people, however, will never understand the difference because they have become accustomed to the enslavement they have fallen into. It is like becomming comfortable with being imprisoned and refusing to leave when you finally have the chance. Oh yes, people have made the Piper their prison warden and what model prisoners we have all become. We allow the Piper to have full domination and dictate to us what we should eat, think, feel, etc. The Piper takes on many forms and wears many faces including........priests, masters, gurus, teachers, and many others. There are the Pipers and the Puppets of the world. And sometimes Pipers become Puppets of even bigger Pipers. It can get confusing. So you're probably wondering if there is a solution to the problem and of course there is because I would have to say that every problem has an innate solution built into it. In fact, the problem and solution are created simultaneously and are really two sides of the same coin. There is a master key (and I don't mean a Feng Shui master, I mean true masterism) that will open every prison door you or others have created for yourself and it will never fail you if you understand it intimately and deeply. This MasterKey is called : OBSERVATION and SURRENDER. There is a difference between surrendering to Pipers and surrendering to yourself. I'll leave it up to you to understand it at the level that will give you your ultimate and truest freedom.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
I would like to wish everyone a happy new year for 2008. The Chinese solar new year known as Li Chun or 'Spring Begins' will arrive on :
February 4. 2008 11 :00 :45 A.M. G.M.T
The Equation Of Time for that moment will be 13 Minutes and 53 Seconds.
This makes the True Solar Time of Li Chun :
February 4. 2008 11 :00 :45 A.M. G.M.T
The Equation Of Time for that moment will be 13 Minutes and 53 Seconds.
This makes the True Solar Time of Li Chun :
FEBRUARY 4. 2008 10 Hours...46 MINUTES...AND 52 SECONDS A.M. G.M.T
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